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Találatok száma: 772

A nagyobb piacon bukhat a Samsung és az LG

Üzlet | 2013.03.05 12:00

Csökkenhet a Samsung és az LG piaci részesedése a kijelzők piacán, a növekvő eladások ellenére.

Nyártól nehezebb lesz a cégek élete

Üzlet | 2013.03.01 15:00

Magyar vállalakozások ezreire ró hatalmas adminisztrációs terhet vagy bankolási többletköltséget a nyáron élesedő uniós jogszabály.

Apple accused of bribing Russian officials

IDG News | 2013.02.01 09:15

Apple suspected of attempting to bribe Russian ministers with a trip to London.

Lassan, de biztosan növekszik a Windows Phone

Üzlet | 2013.01.24 13:30

Európában az Android, az Egyesült Államokban az iOS ül az okostelefonok trónján, de lassan a Windows Phone is feljebb kapaszkodik.

Növelte részesedését a Lenovo a PC-piacon

Üzlet | 2013.01.23 12:00

Az IDC eredményei szerint a Lenovo a második helyen áll az EMEA régió PC-piacán, 11,1 százalékos részesedéssel. A helyezés az Oroszországban, Németországban, Dániában és Libanonban való előrelépésnek köszönhető.

Arris-részesedést vett a Comcast

Üzlet | 2013.01.17 10:00

Az Arris 10,6 millió részvényéhez a Comcast 150 millió dollárért jutott hozzá.

RSA's Big Data security guidelines

IDG News | 2013.01.17 09:10

EMC Corporation's security division, RSA, has released a Security Brief which asserts that Big Data will be a driver for major change across the security industry and will fuel intelligence-driven security models.

Top email terms used by corporate fraudsters published by FBI

IDG News | 2013.01.08 09:15

'Cover up' tops list while 'nobody will find out' and 'grey area' also in top 10

Toshiba to launch 20-megapixel image chip for digital cameras

IDG News | 2012.12.28 11:15

The Tokyo-based firm says the new CMOS chip will be the highest resolution on the market when it launches in January

Samsung buys SSD caching vendor Nvelo

IDG News | 2012.12.17 11:45

Nvelo's software allows the most often accessed data to be cached on fast SSDs.

After three years, Slax Linux is reborn with version 7.0

IDG News | 2012.12.17 09:15

Based on Slackware, this tiny, 210 MB distro offers a GUI and a variety of preinstalled apps.

Mobility, tablet devices to better support workers in 2013: Motorola Solutions

IDG News | 2012.12.14 11:45

Based on current market trends, Motorola Solutions A/NZ managing director, Gary Starr, expects mobility to be big in 2013.

ERP: Oracle vs. SAP vs. The Upstarts

IDG News | 2012.12.04 10:45

As 2012 comes to a close, the ERP software market's biggest players, Oracle and SAP, are seeing their long rivalry become a stalemate, while they face a common set of enemies in the form of upstart ERP vendors based in the cloud, such as NetSuite and Workday.

Vajon legyőzetik végül az Apple?

Biztonság | 2012.12.03 13:30

Kaspersky szerint a túlságosan zárkózott Apple végül veszíteni fog a “nyílt, szexi és rugalmas” versenytársakkal szemben.

Enterprises buying iPhones 'in droves,' IDC says

IDG News | 2012.11.27 09:45

Apple smartphone unseats longtime leader BlackBerry as top company-purchased smartphone.

HP may offer free analytics service with Autonomy technology

IDG News | 2012.11.22 08:32

HP is considering a free 'Google-like' service based on Autonomy's IDOL technology.

This holiday shopping season seeing more cloud-based e-commerce

IDG News | 2012.11.19 11:15

Everyone knows this is the time of year retailers yearn for.

MyNetFone buys ISP Connexus for $4.75m

IDG News | 2012.11.14 11:15

Australian telecommunications provider, MyNetFone (MNF), has announced that it will purchase Melbourne-based Internet service provider (ISP), Connexus, for $4.75 million in cash.

Cisco Q1 profit and revenue grew despite weakness in Europe

IDG News | 2012.11.14 10:15

The company's revenue and profit increased, led by U.S. growth.

Brocade to acquire Vyatta

IDG News | 2012.11.06 09:54

Networking vendor, Brocade, is buying California-based Vyatta as part of its research and development (R&D) investments in Ethernet fabrics and software-defined networking (SDN). Vyatta is an SDN operating system vendor whose solution is relevant for multiple applications in network virtualisation, SDN, and private/public Cloud computing platforms.

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