
* A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

Találatok száma: 479

EU Commissioner suggests new regulatory approach

IDG News | 2006.12.04 15:46

At a global event once known for long-winded, diplomatic speeches delivered by heads of state-owned telephone companies, Viviane Reding, European Union Commissioner for Information Society and Media, was brief and blunt in her keynote speech Monday at the opening of the Telecom World conference and exhibition in Hong Kong.

Samsung offers look at future of mobile phones

IDG News | 2006.11.15 10:50

Mobile phones will undergo a dramatic transformation over the next few years, incorporating more powerful processors and more storage, as well as new technologies, a Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. research and development (R&D) executive said Monday.

Microsoft vulnerability rooted in ActiveX control

IDG News | 2006.11.06 14:05

Microsoft Corp. is investigating reports of a vulnerability in a Windows ActiveX control that could allow an attacker to remotely take control of a computer, according to an advisory issued Friday. One security company rated the vulnerability critical, while Microsoft said it allowed only limited attacks.

Apple: Jobs knew of backdating

IDG News | 2006.10.05 10:46

Apple Computer Inc. CEO Steve Jobs apologized to shareholders Wednesday after an internal investigation found that he had been aware of the company's practice of "backdating" employee stock options.

Novell Linux megoldások a jövő gyógyászatában

Céginfo | 2006.09.28 16:06

A Siemens Medical Solutions, a világ vezető MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging – mágneses rezonanciás képalkotás) technológia- és alkalmazásfejlesztője a Novell SUSE Linux Enterprise Real Time operációs rendszert és a Concurrent NightStar alkalmazásfejlesztő-eszközöket választotta MAGNETOM mágneses rezonanciás képalkotó (MRI) termékei teljesítményének javítására.

Microsoft releases interim Vista build

IDG News | 2006.09.26 13:07

Microsoft Friday released an interim build of Windows Vista to 100,000 Customer Preview Program (CPP) participants, and made the new build available on TechBeta, TechNet, TAP and MSDN.

Microsoft fixes PowerPoint, Windows flaws

IDG News | 2006.08.09 11:27

Microsoft Corp. has issued nine security updates addressing critical flaws in its Office and Windows products. The updates patch two worrisome PowerPoint flaws that could allow attackers to seize control of a PC, the company said Tuesday.

Nemzetközi informatikai díjat kapott a Pannon

Tech | 2006.07.12 13:01

A cég a különböző vállalati megoldásokat összevető "Best Practices 2006" versenyben az "Előrejelzés és analitika" kategória nyertese lett.

Internetes nyaralások és az e-ticket

Tech | 2006.07.11 10:06

Az utóbbi időben megduplázódott, az e-ticket repülőjegy bevezetésével pedig tovább nőhet az internetes foglalások és utazásszervezések száma.

Epson debuts e-paper breakthrough

IDG News | 2006.06.21 11:02

Epson has successfully developed A6-size flexible electronic paper using a plastic substrate.

Siemens develops 100Gbit/s fiber-optic receiver

IDG News | 2006.05.31 11:27

Siemens researchers have designed an integrated single-chip fiber-optic receiver which could enable cheap 100Gbit/s Ethernet.

New Nike shoes talk to people via their iPods

IDG News | 2006.05.25 11:19

Nike Inc. is putting the world's most popular music player to work in a system designed for its latest athletic shoes that tells runners the distance and time they've covered in their daily jog.

DRAM antitrust investigators knock on Mitsubishi's door

IDG News | 2006.05.22 11:05

Mitsubishi Electric Corp. has been contacted by U.S. Department of Justice investigators looking into price fixing in the computer memory market, the Japanese company said Monday.

SAP releases analytical engine

IDG News | 2006.05.18 11:27

SAP AG officially released on Wednesday its business intelligence (BI) accelerator which it co-developed with Intel Corp. The two companies first announced they were working on the analytical engine a year ago.

AOL tests security diagnostic tool

IDG News | 2006.05.16 12:40

AOL LLC is letting users test a new security tool that analyzes their PCs and home networks and alerts them about gaps that could leave them vulnerable to viruses, worms, spyware and other threats.

Lendületben a Hitachi kémikusai

Tech | 2006.05.15 11:49

Nem a Hitachi Global Storage Technologies az első olyan cég, amely a merőleges adatrögzítés technológiájával (PMR - perpendicular magnetic recording) készült merevlemezes meghajtót dob piacra, de úgy tűnik, ők alkalmazzák a legfelkészültebb kémikusokat.

Intel reveals new multicore architecture

IDG News | 2006.04.27 10:05

With energy efficiency as the standard, Intel Corp. has announced a new multicore architecture that aims to address consumers' increasing need for better price and higher performance per watt for notebooks, desktops, and servers.

Firefox backers aim to 'destroy' IE with campaign

IDG News | 2006.04.26 09:04

A group of self-titled "political activists" in Massachusetts has started an aggressive campaign to get browser users to switch from Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer to Mozilla Corp.'s Firefox.

Intel expands R&D in Germany to multicore processors

IDG News | 2006.04.25 08:59

Intel Corp. opened on Monday a new research and development center at its lab in Braunschweig, Germany, to focus on the design of multicore processors.

Kínai felhasználók átneveznék a Google-t

Tech | 2006.04.24 11:52

Néhány kínai internetező nem túl boldog a Google nemrég bemutatott kínai neve kapcsán. Már online petíciót is indítottak annak lecserélésére.

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