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Találatok száma: 16

Tanúsított biztonság az ellátási láncban

CW Print | 2024.09.10 09:01

Újszerű megközelítéssel alakít ki bizalmi ellátási láncot egy nemzetközi konzorcium. Az IoT rendszereket érintő biztonsági problémák megoldásán népes csapat dolgozik, több magyar résztvevővel.

Kiszervezett IT: nem kényszer, hanem lehetőség!

SERCO Blog | 2020.04.02 11:31

Blogunk olvasóinak aligha kell hosszasan bizonygatni, hogy az informatika dinamikus fejlődése miatt a vállalatoknak is egyre profibb és szerteágazóbb IT-támogatásra van szükségük. Mostanra azt is egyre többen látják be, hogy a folyamatokat képtelenség, vagy irracionálisan drága "házon belül" kézben tartani, így ma már az IT-feladatok kiszervezése teljesen evidens. Ráadásul mindez még csak nem is szükséges rossz, vagy kompromisszum, hanem új lehetőség, és az eredményes működés egyik fő záloga!

Szoftverlicencek a börzén

Üzlet | 2018.01.31 12:27

Nem mindenki számára evidens, hogy a vállalatnál használt - vagy éppen nem használt - szoftverek újrahasznosíthatók. Pedig a börzéken hatalmas mennyiségben cserélnek gazdát szoftverlicencek. Ha pedig elzárják a csapokat, nincs is más megoldás.

Kódolni csak pontosan, szépen…

Biztonság | 2017.09.21 10:00

Olcsóbb eleve jó kódokat írni, mint utólag megkeresni és kijavítani a hibákat. Ez evidens. A valóságban azonban nem mindig így történik. A kutatók és az ipar együttműködése enyhítheti a problémát.

South Korea blames North Korea for cyberattacks

IDG News | 2013.07.17 23:37

South Korean officials have stated that North Korea is to blame for attacks against government websites last month, citing North Korean IP addresses and signature malicious computer codes as evidence. In addition, they say the same group of attackers are also responsible for the attacks last March.

Apple wants DOJ to wait till trial's end for settlement with three publishers

IDG News | 2012.08.16 13:50

Apple has opposed a government proposed judgment in an e-books price-fixing lawsuit, stating that the judgement seeks to terminate and rewrite its contracts "before a single document has been introduced into evidence, before any witness has testified, and before the court has resolved the disputed facts."

U.S. loses fight to keep tight hold on Megaupload evidence

IDG News | 2012.08.16 13:49

The U.S. government lost a bid on Thursday to withhold some evidence in advance of the extradition hearing for four Megaupload defendants charged with criminal copyright infringement.

Apple asks court to punish Samsung for releasing documents in iPhone suit

IDG News | 2012.08.02 09:46

Samsung gave media outlets documents that had been excluded from evidence.

WSJ: Thompson told Yahoo board he has cancer

IDG News | 2012.05.15 09:05

Thompson revealed the illness as evidence arose that seemed to contradict his story about his padded resume, the newspaper reports.

Judge rules on contested evidence in Oracle-Google case

IDG News | 2012.01.05 07:10

A contentious email will stay but other evidence can be excluded, a judge has ruled.

South Korea closes flash memory antitrust investigation

IDG News | 2010.01.04 09:42

South Korea's Fair Trade Commission has closed an antitrust investigation of the flash memory industry, concluding that there is no evidence of a pricing cartel.

Intel accuses EC of mishandling antitrust evidence

IDG News | 2009.09.22 10:46

Intel on Monday sharply criticized the European Commission, which found it guilty of anticompetitive behavior, accusing the regulator of being selective with evidence it looked at and, essentially, setting out to find the company guilty.

Deep computer-spying network touched 103 countries

IDG News | 2009.03.30 16:06

A 10-month cyberespionage investigation has found that 1,295 computers in 103 countries and belonging to international institutions have been spied on, with some circumstantial evidence suggesting China may be to blame.

Evidence in Microsoft-Iowa case posted online

IDG News | 2007.01.22 07:58

More than 3,000 pieces of evidence in the antitrust lawsuit between Iowa consumers and Microsoft Corp. were posted to a public Web site late Thursday. Thousands more could be posted, pending a ruling from the presiding judge on objections raised by Microsoft.

Panasonic, Hitachi LCD venture to double expansion

IDG News | 2006.06.01 10:56

Providing further evidence of the booming market for flat-panel televisions, a Japan-based LCD (liquid crystal display) screen maker will double its planned expansion over the next two years, it said Wednesday.

Study: IT allowing more people to work from home

IDG News | 2006.05.03 11:40

"There is growing evidence that more people these days don't work from a physical workplace, but work from home or other places," says David Thorns, director of the social science research center at the University of Canterbury.

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