
* A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

Találatok száma: 137

Apple fails to meet Norwegian iTunes demands

IDG News | 2006.08.03 15:05

Norwegian consumer authorities are not pleased with the reply from Apple Computer Inc. about demands that the company change some of its iTunes Music Store policies.

A Universal szerint a CD még nem halt meg

Tech | 2006.07.06 11:16

A Universal Music Group még nem hagyja veszni a CD formátumot. A világ legnagyobb zenei kiadója a CD vásárlás élményének felpezsdítését tervezi.

Music player sales drive shortage of NAND flash

IDG News | 2006.06.22 11:55

The soaring popularity of MP3 music players is driving demand for NAND flash memory chips faster than suppliers can keep up.

New Nike shoes talk to people via their iPods

IDG News | 2006.05.25 11:19

Nike Inc. is putting the world's most popular music player to work in a system designed for its latest athletic shoes that tells runners the distance and time they've covered in their daily jog.

Tucatnyi per elébe nézhet a Warner Music

Üzlet | 2006.05.08 11:48

A Warner Music Group egyre növekvő bevételekről számolt be a digitális zenei letöltések kapcsán, miközben az üzlet nemcsak veszteséges, de számos per is kilátásban van a vállalat ellen.

Study: IT allowing more people to work from home

IDG News | 2006.05.03 11:40

"There is growing evidence that more people these days don't work from a physical workplace, but work from home or other places," says David Thorns, director of the social science research center at the University of Canterbury.

Útjára indul hazánkban a Sony Ericsson Music Tour

Tech | 2006.04.24 14:10

Ingyenes koncertsorozatot szervez országszerte májusban és júniusban a Sony Ericsson - a cég által forgalmazott telefonnal rendelkezők számára. A Sony Ericsson a Walkman termékein keresztül eddig is bizonyította már elkötelezettségét a zene iránt, ezúttal vásárlóinak közvetlenül hozza el a hazai zenészek által előadott valódi, igényes élőzenét.

Dell aims for gamers with high-end notebook

IDG News | 2006.04.19 12:29

Dell Inc. moved to solidify its position in the lucrative gaming market Tuesday by launching the XPS M1710, a dual-core processor machine designed to let gamers simultaneously play three-dimensional games while encoding music or scanning for viruses.

Burst.com sues Apple for patent infringement

IDG News | 2006.04.18 15:06

Apple Computer Inc. is facing a lawsuit over technology within its popular iPod digital music player and two related applications.

Sony, Samsung plan $2 billion LCD plant

IDG News | 2006.04.10 10:30

Sony Corp. and Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. have reached a basic agreement to build a new US$2 billion manufacturing line for LCD (liquid crystal display) panels, the companies said Monday.

Here comes the iTunes Movie Store

IDG News | 2006.03.27 13:21

Although you might have missed it, Apple once again revolutionized the way we consume media. It was a quiet revolution, one that went largely unheralded and barely warranted a mention outside of the Apple-obsessed blogosphere. This revolutionary event came in the form of a Disney Channel musical called High School Musical.

Gartner: Flash saved DRAM from collapse in 2005

IDG News | 2006.02.14 13:47

The flash memory chips popular in consumer devices from iPod music players to memory cards for digital cameras and mobile phones saved the DRAM (dynamic RAM) industry from a major collapse last year, market researcher Gartner Dataquest said Monday.

Nokia, Sanyo agree to combine CDMA businesses

IDG News | 2006.02.14 13:45

Nokia Corp. and Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. have basically agreed to merge their CDMA (Code Division Multiple Access) mobile phone businesses into a single company with a view to capturing the top share of the global CDMA market, they said Tuesday.

Ericsson és EMI: Csengőhang-partnerek

Tech | 2006.01.25 12:29

Az Ericsson mobil zeneszolgáltatásra vonatkozó, páneurópai megállapodás megkötését jelentette be az EMI Music vállalattal. A megállapodás értelmében az Ericsson lehetővé teszi az európai mobilszolgáltatók számára, hogy csengetési dallamokat és teljes zeneszámletöltéseket terjesszenek az EMI katalógusából Európában.

Court gives first nod to Sony BMG settlement

IDG News | 2006.01.09 13:56

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is praising a U.S. District Court judge's preliminary approval Friday of a settlement with Sony BMG Music Entertainment over two widely-criticized copy protection programs found on an estimated 15 million music CDs.

iPod, LCDs best sellers at top U.S. tech stores

IDG News | 2006.01.06 13:49

Holiday sales at top U.S. technology retailers over the past few weeks sparkled, with iPod music players and LCD (liquid crystal display) displays leading the charge, executives said Friday.

Sony's Stringer seeks balance for copy-protection

IDG News | 2006.01.06 13:48

The recent controversy over a copy-protection system employed on music CDs from Sony BMG Music Entertainment proved to Sony Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Howard Stringer the need to carefully balance the needs of customers and the rights of artists, he said this week.

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