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Találatok száma: 459

Dizájnban gondolkodni

Tech | 2014.12.18 12:00

Mindent megváltoztatott a konzumerizáció az elmúlt öt év során. A mára mindennapossá vált, egyszerűen kezelhető, kiváló felhasználói élményt biztosító okos eszközök az üzleti IT-t is megváltoztatták. Az SAP TechEd-en a Design Thinkingről beszélgettünk Andreas Hauserrel, az SAP Design and Co-Innovation központjának vezetőjével.

Cheap access to the Internet should be a human right: survey

IDG News | 2014.11.26 22:59

Affordable Internet access around the world should be a basic human right as it is essential for freedom of expression and economic opportunity, according to the results of a global survey released by the Centre for International Governance Innovation (CIGI).

Csomag-bontás a szoftverpiacon

Üzlet | 2014.11.24 12:00

Még mindig az ERM (enterprise resource management) csomagoké - a hagyományos értelemben vett vállalatirányítási rendszereké - a legnagyobb szegmens az alkalmazáscsomagok (enterprise application suite, EAS) hazai piacán, amelynek mérete tavaly 77,3 millió dollárt tett ki az International Data Corporation adatai szerint. A növekedést azonban már máshol kell keresni.

Cameras, robotic mules could help battle Ebola in West Africa

IDG News | 2014.11.21 06:28

Researchers are working on technology that could be shipped to West Africa to help fight the Ebola outbreak as soon as a few months from now, while also looking ahead to bigger plans to combat any disease outbreak.

Apple offers workaround for iPhones borked by iOS 8.0.1

IDG News | 2014.09.26 07:06

Apple intended Wednesday's iOS update to fix a few major problems in the latest version of its mobile operating system, but instead saw an entire category of iPhones disabled by the release.

Red Hat CTO abruptly resigns

IDG News | 2014.08.28 23:05

CTO Brian Stevens is out at Red Hat, according to a curt press release issued by the company Wednesday evening.

Hat tanács privát felhő kialakításához

Céginfo | 2014.08.26 09:39

Egy friss kutatás szerint az elmúlt évben 20 százalékkal nőtt a privát felhők piaca, és további 40-50 százalékos növekedés várható az elkövetkező néhány évben. (http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/9249814/Enterprises_increasingly_look_to_the_private_cloud) A tendencia érthető, hiszen a privátfelhő-környezet egyszerűen testre szabható, nagyobb biztonságot kínál a nyilvános felhőnél, és a compliance követelmények teljesítéséhez is megfelelőbb.

Biometric headphones measure a wearer's heart rate

IDG News | 2014.08.15 07:35

The headphones from SMS Audio, majority owned by rapper 50 Cent, work with a popular fitness application.

Dell improves mini PC usability with software updates

IDG News | 2014.06.19 23:57

Dell's updates will make the Wyse Cloud Connect easier to use with touchscreens and remotely.

US indicts Romanian man alleged to be celebrity hacker "Guccifer"

IDG News | 2014.06.13 06:35

Marcel Lehel Lazar is accused of accessing online accounts of at least five prominent people.

Asus hybrid phone, tablet, laptop teaser could be a new Padfone

IDG News | 2014.05.30 12:06

An Asus version of the "Will It Blend" video implies that the company may debut a single integrated device at Computex.

End of Windows XP sales bolsters PC sales: Gartner

IDG News | 2014.04.11 09:01

The end of Windows XP support has boosted PC sales, easing the decline in worldwide shipments, according to Gartner.

Cisco gets fresh mid-range router competition

IDG News | 2014.03.21 07:35

OneAccess, the branch office router company that's a major competitor to Cisco overseas, is launching new products for the mid-range router market.

Twitter doubles revenue but profit remains elusive

IDG News | 2014.02.06 10:00

The site increased its user base by 30 percent from last year but investors still pushed its stock lower.

Xbox One, holiday sales drive Microsoft to record revenue

IDG News | 2014.01.24 07:43

Microsoft easily blew away analyst estimates, thanks to its consumer businesses and Surface tablet. But Windows revenues decreased.

US Army settles unlicensed software claim for $50 million

IDG News | 2013.11.29 10:22

Apptricity said its software was used in relief efforts in Haiti and in the Middle East.

Western Digital's HAMR tech could increase disk capacity five-fold

IDG News | 2013.11.14 23:51

Its demo follows others by Seagate and TDK.

Tech spending slows, thanks to Congress

IDG News | 2013.11.04 11:38

Tech spending in the U.S. will increase by a smaller amount this year than earlier predicted, mostly because of moves in Congress, says Forrester Research.

Release of Yahoo dispute documents by FISA court may be delayed

IDG News | 2013.10.08 10:22

DOJ said staff are prohibited from working on the declassification during the US government shutdown.

Hosting provider LeaseWeb falls victim to DNS hijacking

IDG News | 2013.10.07 23:19

The company believes attackers obtained domain administrator credentials and used them to change the domain's DNS records at the registrar.

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