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Találatok száma: 928

VIA: csak saját platform!

Tech | 2008.08.13 07:02

Az erre utaló események után a hivatalos bejelentés is napvilágot látott, mely szerint a VIA elhagyja az alaplapi lapkakészlet-piacot.

Az NVIDIA kiszáll az alaplapi chipset üzletből?

Tech | 2008.08.05 10:54

A napokban felreppent a hír, hogy az NVIDIA fontolgatja: kiszáll az alaplapi lapkakészlet üzletből. A cég cáfol, mások rácáfolnak a cáfolatra.

Via's Nano processor tops Intel's Atom in first reviews

IDG News | 2008.07.30 14:39

Performance comparisons of Via Technologies' Nano processor and Intel's Atom chip conducted by several hardware-enthusiast sites Tuesday confirmed what many industry observers have long suspected: the Taiwanese processor company has produced a chip that outperforms Intel's offering for low-cost computers.

Chairman of chip maker UMC resigns

IDG News | 2008.07.16 16:29

The chairman and CEO of United Microelectronics (UMC), the second-largest contract chip maker in the world, announced his resignation on Wednesday, with the company immediately naming his replacements.

IBM to invest $1.5 billion in chip development

IDG News | 2008.07.16 16:23

IBM will invest $1.5 billion to boost its semiconductor manufacturing and research efforts in New York State, the company announced on Tuesday.

Rossz szériában az NVIDIA

Üzlet | 2008.07.14 11:05

Részvényeinek ára stagnál, a 8400M és 8600M chipek könnyen lehet, hogy hibásak, és még a Rambus is beperelte az NVIDIA-t.

Google adds third dimension to online social relationships

IDG News | 2008.07.09 14:28

Google has entered yet another space with the launch of Lively, a tool for creating 3D social spaces on Web sites, which is now available in a public beta test.

Pentiumokból épít GPU-t az Intel

Tech | 2008.07.09 10:50

Az Intel kiszivárogtatta, hogy ős-Pentium magokból építi fel a sokat emlegetett, de mindig misztikus ködbe burkolt Larrabee grafikus chipet.

AMD seeks advantages as x86 processors morph

IDG News | 2008.06.13 11:12

The chips that make up the inside of an x86-based computer are changing. The traditional roles of the processor, chipset and graphics chip are blurring as functions change and new roles are created.

No Nvidia chipset for Via yet, but watch this space

IDG News | 2008.06.06 15:52

The expected launch of a Nvidia chipset for Via Technologies' processor line didn't materialize at the Computex exhibition in Taipei.

SAP CRM magyarul

Céginfo | 2008.05.23 10:40

Az SAP két nagy ügyfél nevét hozta nyilvánosságra, akik az SAP Customer Relationship Management (SAP CRM) alkalmazás legfrissebb változatát, az SAP CRM 2007 terméket választották.

A hálózati videotermékek legújabb generációja

Céginfo | 2008.05.22 09:37

Az Axis Communications bemutatta a hálózati videó termékek legújabb generációját, mely az általuk kifejlesztett ARTPEC-3 chipen alapul.

Mozilla: Firefox plugin shipped with malicious code

IDG News | 2008.05.08 14:05

Mozilla warned Wednesday that a malicious program inserted adware code into a Firefox plugin that has been downloaded thousands of times over the past three months.

Microsoft won't pursue other partnerships, says Gates

IDG News | 2008.05.07 15:30

Microsoft won't be pursuing tie-ups or takeovers to replace its failed Yahoo bid, Bill Gates said in Tokyo on Wednesday.

AMD finally ships quad-core Opterons

IDG News | 2008.04.10 08:27

Advanced Micro Devices on Wednesday announced it was shipping the quad-core Opteron chip in volume after fixing a bug, but concerns are being raised about AMD's abilities to stick to its product roadmap, analysts said.

Intel has a chip, but where are the MIDs?

IDG News | 2008.04.04 10:30

For all the fanfare surrounding the launch of Intel's Centrino Atom chip package at the Intel Developer Forum in Shanghai, there was a notable shortage of new products based on the chips, apart from a few concept designs rolled out for the occasion.

Gartner forecasts slower PC shipment growth

IDG News | 2008.04.03 16:30

The economic slowdown in the U.S. has led Gartner to revise its 2008 worldwide PC shipments forecast downward slightly but the analyst firm is still predicting a strong year, particularly in the mobility space.

Windows XP SP3 due next month, says report

IDG News | 2008.03.25 14:05

Microsoft will release Windows XP Service Pack 3 during the second half of April, according to a report from a Web site that has correctly predicted recent Windows ship dates.

U.S. sets rules to keep H-1B visa lottery fair

IDG News | 2008.03.20 12:12

With less than two weeks to go before the start of the H-1B visa rush, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Service (USCIS) released rules Wednesday to prevent applicants from trying to unfairly boost their odds in the expected visa lottery.

Vista SP1 to hit Windows Update Tuesday

IDG News | 2008.03.18 12:21

Microsoft will release Windows Vista Service Pack 1 on Tuesday to a wider audience, according to information posted on Amazon.com and reports from a Web site that correctly called SP1's ship date last month.

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