Skype for Linux 4.2 aims to deliver more polish
Now available for multiple Linux distributions, this new update brings numerous tweaks and enhancements.
Now available for multiple Linux distributions, this new update brings numerous tweaks and enhancements.
After conquering the low end of the tablet market, Amazon may be getting ready to invade the living room with a television set-top box.
University of Washington researchers say rocket could power craft that carries astronauts to Mars in 30 days.
Problems with fans and ghosting on the Retina display, and now claims that users are experiencing "other significant performance issues".
Five Samsung tablet sizes touted including 14in
East Carolina University claims it has registered the trademark.
Redshift could cut the costs of data warehouse deployments, Amazon claims.
A home improvement retail chain can use an app running on an iPad to help design a customer's home, check inventory for the products, give a cost estimate to the customer, and take orders.
The electronics giant aims to make software that can compete with students on the math entrance exam of a top Japan college.
Hivatalosan gyakornoki munka címszó alatt dolgoznak tanulás helyett a diákok.
Despite a labor group's claims, Samsung found no underage workers at a company supplier in China.
Claims current trends are further increasing the focus on security.
Főként az eszközeik ellenértékének folyamatos csökkentésével képesek versenyben maradni a gyártók.
Microsoft is helping Nokia to further lower the cost of its smartphones, as it aims to better compete with Android.
Gigabyte claims it will be the world's lightest 11.6-inch laptop on the market, weighing a hair under 1kg.
The alleged data haul includes internal documents and administrator login credentials.
The jury deliberated for more than a week before finding no infringement on any claims related to two Java-related patents.
IBM's newly updated flagship database can shrink storage requirements and speed query response, the company claims.
Az IMS Research szakértői szerint az Apple az iPad 3 piacradobása révén több mint 70 százalékos részesedéshez juthat a táblapiacon. Az androidos vetélytársak csak az olcsó eszközök szegmensében lehetnek versenyképesek.
The Metro Ethernet Forum's Carrier Ethernet 2 will allow carriers to more easily manage and share Ethernet traffic.
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