Apple makes progress in cutting use of conflict minerals
Refiners and smelters that don't undergo an audit will be removed from Apple's supply chain.
Refiners and smelters that don't undergo an audit will be removed from Apple's supply chain.
Október 2-3-án Budapesten olyan úttörő gondolkodású designerek fognak találkozni, akik saját szakmájuk jövőjét formálják újra.
Hat munkás került kórházba miután klórgázt lélegeztek be az ulsani Samsung Fine Chemicals üzemében és annak környékén.
Public pressure is more harmful for Facebook than the fines, a German privacy regulator said.
A consumer rights group had argued the fine was inadequate.
Networking vendor, Brocade, is buying California-based Vyatta as part of its research and development (R&D) investments in Ethernet fabrics and software-defined networking (SDN). Vyatta is an SDN operating system vendor whose solution is relevant for multiple applications in network virtualisation, SDN, and private/public Cloud computing platforms.
The fine is the largest ever related to an FTC complaint.
The research network is renewing its focus on fat pipes for research, looking to software-defined networking for new capabilities.
Toshiba said it won't have to pay its fine because of settlements paid already by other vendors.
Google makes proposals aimed at avoiding a massive fine.
Az Intel ezentúl egy magyar startup cég, az Intellisense Zrt. által kifejlesztett különleges oktatószoftverrel, a Webcam Laboratory-vel együtt adja majd oktatási célú számítógépeit. Ez nemcsak a hazai szoftveresek hírét öregbíti, de a válságban lévő természettudományos képzésbe is némi pezsdülést hozhat.
Amazon has created a new browser for the Kindle Fire tablet, one with a cloud-based architecture.
Alcatel-Lucent has agreed to make payments of over US$137 million to settle bribery cases brought by U.S. authorities.
Google and Verizon Communications have released a proposal that would give the U.S. Federal Communications Commission limited power to enforce network neutrality rules, including levying fines up to US$2 million for violations by broadband providers.
Despite concerns that federal authorities might fine or arrest him, hacker Chris Paget went ahead with a live demonstration of mobile phone interception at the Defcon hacking conference Saturday.
Google's latest beta version of its Chrome browser packs a performance boost to the Javascript engine that the company describes as "hefty" and adds the ability to apply pre-defined browser preferences in multiple machines through users' centralized Google accounts.
The former president of Chi Mei Optoelectronics has agreed to pay a fine and go to jail for his role in a scheme to fix prices for TFT-LCDs (thin-film transistor-liquid crystal displays), the U.S. Department of Justice said Friday.
A French court has fined eBay ?1.7 million (US$2.5 million) for failing to comply with an earlier ruling that required the online retailer to prevent the sale of certain brands of perfume to French consumers on its sites.
The European Ombudsman accused the European Commission on Thursday of "maladministration" during its antitrust investigation of Intel, which resulted in a hefty fine earlier this year, as well as an order to desist from its anti-competitive practices.
The European Commission Wednesday found Intel guilty of antitrust violations in the market for PC microprocessors and fined it ?1.06 billion (US$1.44 billion).
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