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Találatok száma: 149

Intel looking at remote management features for tablets

IDG News | 2011.02.16 15:00

As businesses increasingly adopt tablets, Intel wants to bring those devices under control by implementing remote management and security capabilities in hardware and software, the company said this week.

Oversupply sends DRAM prices to one-year low

IDG News | 2011.01.04 10:52

DRAM chip prices reached a one-year low on Tuesday and approached their cheapest ever due to a post-holiday oversupply. The cheap memory chips are pushing PC prices lower too, a Taiwan-based trading platform said.

Cable Cutters: Can 4G Hotspots Replace Cable Broadband?

IDG News | 2010.12.27 10:41

I used to pay $60 per month for a bundle of TV service and broadband service from Comcast. I decided I didn?t want the TV part anymore, so I canceled it, leaving just the broadband. My new monthly bill: $60 per month.

Oracle seeks $212 million in interest from SAP

IDG News | 2010.12.13 16:13

Oracle wants SAP to pay it US$212 million in interest on top of the $1.3 billion awarded to it last month by a jury in the companies' TomorrowNow lawsuit, court papers show.

Former HannStar exec pleads guilty in LCD price-fixing probe

IDG News | 2010.10.28 11:36

A former director of sales at HannStar Display of Taiwan has agreed to plead guilty and serve jail time for participating in a global conspiracy to fix the prices of thin-film transistor liquid crystal display (TFT-LCD) panels, the U.S. Department of Justice announced.

AMD to target tablet market with its chips

IDG News | 2010.10.15 12:24

Advanced Micro Devices on Thursday said it wants to put its chips in tablets, relenting after months of denying any interest in that market.

AU Optronics CEO barred from leaving US

IDG News | 2010.08.23 11:28

The chief executive officer of Taiwanese display panel maker AU Optronics, who faces felony charges related to an LCD price-fixing investigation, has been barred from leaving the U.S.

Továbbra is a TSMC gyártja az Intel Atom processzorokat

Tech | 2010.08.04 15:11

Egy tavalyi megegyezés értelmében a TSMC (Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing) gyárt Intel Atom processzorokat és szerel okostelefonokba.

TSMC's chip sales in April hit all-time high

IDG News | 2010.05.10 11:01

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing (TSMC), the world's largest contract chip maker, on Monday reported record high chip sales for the month of April.

1.5 million stolen Facebook IDs up for sale

IDG News | 2010.04.23 10:43

A hacker named Kirllos has a rare deal for anyone who wants to spam, steal or scam on Facebook: an unprecedented number of user accounts offered at rock-bottom prices.

Taiwan dumps memory chip rescue plan

IDG News | 2010.03.08 09:08

Taipei will give up fighting the legislature over funds for Taiwan Memory.

Google to build ultra high-speed networks in the US

IDG News | 2010.02.11 09:56

The company wants to spur the creation of these networks nationwide.

Dübörög a processzorpiac

Tech | 2010.01.29 11:43

A chipgyártók a fogyasztói elektronikai eszközök iránti keresletnövekedés miatt kétszámjegyű piacbővülésre várnak 2010-ben. A TSMC remek negyedévet zárt, és 4,8 milliárd dolláros beruházásba kezd, hogy bővíthesse gyártókapacitását.

iSuppli now ranks Acer ahead of Dell in PC market

IDG News | 2009.12.04 11:04

Lifted by fast-growing notebook shipments, Taiwan's Acer Inc. grabbed the No. 2 spot in the global PC market for the first time over Dell Inc., according to iSuppli Corp.

Taiwanese researchers show several flexible e-reader screens

IDG News | 2009.11.27 11:45

Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) showed off a number of flexible display screen technologies in Taipei on Thursday as part of a show promoting e-readers and e-paper.

Google goes after Yahoo with marketplace for display ads

IDG News | 2009.09.18 11:42

Google wants a bigger piece of the display advertising market currently dominated by Yahoo, opening a new online marketplace called DoubleClick Ad Exchange.

Előre menekül a TSMC

Üzlet | 2009.06.19 15:12

A legnagyobb szerződéses félvezetőgyártó, a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company a válság ellenére megnövelte idei beruházási költségvetését.

Microsoft opens My Phone beta, plans new features

IDG News | 2009.05.19 15:41

Microsoft on Tuesday will open the beta for its My Phone Windows Mobile backup service to anyone who wants to try it out. The company has also disclosed some forthcoming features for the service, including ways to wipe data remotely and find lost phones using GPS.

Költségoptimalizáló hálózati megoldás a HP-től

Céginfo | 2009.05.15 11:05

A HP Magyarország Kft. ma két olyan költségoptimalizáló hálózati megoldást mutatott be, amelyeket kifejezetten a magyar nagyvállalatok igényei alapján készített el: a WAN hálózati gyorsítás és az L2 és L3 virtuális hálózati megoldások lehetővé teszik a több telephellyel rendelkező vállalatok számára, hogy a válság következtében szűkösebb IT-költségvetések ellenére optimálisabban, alacsonyabb havi költségek mellett használják a hálózatot.

Apple breaks silence, responds to 'I'm a PC' ads

IDG News | 2009.04.21 15:40

A PC is no bargain when it doesn't do what you want, Apple spokesman Bill Evans told BusinessWeek journalist Arik Hesseldahl, who writes BW's Byte of the Apple column.

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