
* A csillaggal jelölt mezők kitöltése kötelező.

Találatok száma: 112

HP in talks to buy EDS for up to $13 billion

IDG News | 2008.05.13 09:11

Hewlett-Packard is in advanced talks to acquire IT services company Electronic Data Systems in a deal that would give HP more competitive muscle against worldwide services market leader IBM.

Symantec: Gov't needs to take new cybersecurity steps

IDG News | 2008.01.08 11:51

U.S. government agencies need to take additional steps to protect against cybersecurity problems after a series of congressional hearings and reports exposed several weaknesses in 2007, representatives of Symantec said.

Lasers could make disk drives a hundred times faster

IDG News | 2007.07.05 16:53

Researchers have demonstrated disk write speeds one hundred times faster than current hard drives. The method uses a laser to heat the recording surface and alter its magnetic field. There is no equivalent read speed increase though.

Bill Gates to finally receive Harvard degree

IDG News | 2007.03.23 11:08

It's not like he needs it to beef up his resume, but the world's richest college dropout is finally getting his degree.

Gates: Tech needs more immigrant visas

IDG News | 2007.03.08 15:27

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates called on the U.S. Congress to raise the cap on skilled-worker visas, saying the county's economic future was at stake.

AMD speeds up and cools down desktop processors

IDG News | 2007.02.20 16:00

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) has pumped up the performance of its Athlon 64 X2 dual-core processor and cooled down two single-core Athlon 64 processors.

Informatikai oktatás 35 éve

Tech | 2007.01.31 11:35

Több rendezvénnyel ünnepli február 8-án fennállásának negyedszázados évfordulóját a Számalk. Az intézményhez ráadásul még két jubileum is kapcsolódik.

Intel speeds up introduction of new quad-core chip

IDG News | 2006.12.12 09:30

Intel Corp. says it has rushed introduction of a new quad-core chip originally scheduled for next year to Monday to meet demand from server manufacturers for the processor.

Intel readies 45nm quad-core chips for production

IDG News | 2006.11.30 10:35

Intel Corp. has started to produce samples of a quad-core processor called Penryn that offers faster clock speeds and larger cache sizes, an executive said Thursday.

Internet Hungary 2006

Üzlet | 2006.10.19 12:57

A Tihanyban hetedszer megrendezett konferencia témái között az Internet fejlődése, az online üzleti megoldások és a webkettő is szerepeltek.

Az egyik tizenkilenc, a másik egy híján húsz

Tech | 2006.09.15 12:23

Negyedszer is meghirdették a

Sony's Stringer seeks balance for copy-protection

IDG News | 2006.01.06 13:48

The recent controversy over a copy-protection system employed on music CDs from Sony BMG Music Entertainment proved to Sony Corp. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Howard Stringer the need to carefully balance the needs of customers and the rights of artists, he said this week.

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