Huawei eyes US enterprise market despite political challenges
Huawei wants its enterprise business to drive the company's future growth.
Huawei wants its enterprise business to drive the company's future growth.
A new SDK lets developers access printer features and integrate cloud services.
Would you trade ads for a monthly payment? Google wants users to rethink the way their favorite websites are funded.
Baidu, Tencent and Dalian Wanda Group are establishing a new e-commerce joint venture.
Wander's chief app 'Days' will live on, the startup said.
EBay has rejected the proposal as it believes that the company's interest is best served by the current arrangement.
Foxconn had wanted to limit working hours at its factories to 49 hours per week.
The eight tech companies want the U.S. to lead the reforms.
Small-timer added to 'most wanted' list.
But US prosecutors want kill switches on smartphones as part of the Secure Our Smartphones initiative.
Baidu wants to expand its presence in China's mobile Internet market.
A ZyXEL három terméke is elnyerte a 2013 "Taiwan Excellence" címet: a Cloud Media Szerverek (NSA300 sorozat), a Wireless Mini Travel Router (NBG2105)* és 4G LTE Portal Ultra-vékony vezeték-nélküli Hotspot Router (WAH7130)*. A díjjal a ZyXEL terméktervezésben való kiválóságát és figyelemre méltó teljesítményét is elismerték. A vállalat termékei évek óta elnyerik a "Taiwan Excellence" elismerést.
Az HTC marketingigazgatójaként Benjamin Ho váltja majd John Wangot.
Wang Xiaoning was imprisoned after distributing pro-democracy writings using Yahoo forums and email accounts.
Apple has opposed a government proposed judgment in an e-books price-fixing lawsuit, stating that the judgement seeks to terminate and rewrite its contracts "before a single document has been introduced into evidence, before any witness has testified, and before the court has resolved the disputed facts."
All indicated that they liked working at Facebook, but want to pursue entrepreneurial opportunities.
Open-source blogger Florian Mueller previously revealed his relationship with Oracle.
Jelenleg 20 ezerre tehető az Invitel vállalati ügyfeleinek száma. A középvállalati ügyfeleik 15 százaléka ICT-szolgáltatásokat is igénybe vesz. Hogyan értékelhetők ezek a számok?
The company wants to make Office 365 easier to sell and more profitable for partners.
Apple has been granted a patent for the wedge-like design of its MacBook Air devices.
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