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A szerzői jogok kérdéséhez való sajátságos ázsiai hozzáállás oda vezetett, hogy amerikai egyetemek már az integrált áramköri technológiák lopását megakadályozó módszeren dolgoznak.
A szerzői jogok kérdéséhez való sajátságos ázsiai hozzáállás oda vezetett, hogy amerikai egyetemek már az integrált áramköri technológiák lopását megakadályozó módszeren dolgoznak.
3D-s videogyorsítás és Full HD-s, hardveres videodekóder a Mobile World Congressen bemutatott chipkészletekben.
A MacBook Airben lévő kisebb és jobb Core 2 Duo processzor hamarosan megjelenik más gyártók kínálatában is.
Intel's resignation from the One Laptop Per Child Project's board of directors will have "no impact" on the group's operations, since the chip maker contributed little to the project since joining last year, OLPC President Walter Bender said in an interview.
Amid further delays of AMD's quad-core server chip and plans to write off goodwill from the acquisition of ATI, AMD executives are going to face tough questions when they meet financial analysts in New York Thursday.
Via Technologies is shipping a do-it-yourself computer kit, called Artigo, that's based on the credit card-sized Pico-ITX motherboard announced by the company earlier this year.
Advanced Micro Devices on Wednesday said it has delayed volume shipments of its quad-core Opteron processors as it fine-tunes the chip.
Supercomputers may soon be the same size as a laptop if IBM brings to market research detailed on Thursday, in which pulses of light replace electricity to make data transfer between processor cores on a chip up to one-hundred times faster.
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) is warming to the idea of building a chip manufacturing plant in India, which would be a significant breakthrough for the country's high-tech ambitions.
Advanced Micro Devices on Monday is expected to launch the 'Spider' platform, which combines the company's next-generation quad-core processors, graphics cards and chipsets in one platform to deliver better graphics, performance-per-watt and improved high-definition video.
A dél-koreai vállalat bejelentette, hogy megszünteti elektronikai fogyasztási cikkeinek forgalmazását Japánban; ezentúl csak memóriachipeket és monitorokat szállítanak az ottani gyártóknak.
Memóriachipek gyártására alapított vegyesvállalatot a Sony és az Infineon leányvállalata. A cél a veszteségek lefaragása.
The latest version of Oracle Corp.'s flagship database offers better security than earlier versions, but development errors have left vulnerabilities that attackers can use to steal data, an expert warned Monday.
Mozilla Corp.'s CEO Thursday evening answered charges that the company is dropping development of the Thunderbird e-mail client because of its partnership with Google Inc.
Microsoft Thursday moved to counter criticism about the uptake of Windows Vista by announcing it now has shipped 60 million copies of the operating system.
Az új megállapodás mind a nonprofit kezdeményezés, mind a chipgyártó számára komoly stratégiai váltást jelent.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. saw a sharp fall in operating profits during the three months from April to June due to the weak market for computer memory chips.
A multi-standard dekóder és többsávos rádiófrekvenciás tuner chip a mobiltévés technológiákat is támogatja.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has developed a pair of chips that can receive and decode four mobile digital TV systems. The chips should make possible smaller portable media players and cell phones that can pick up local broadcasts around the world.
Advanced Micro Devices Inc. will continue to supply ATI graphics chips for PCs based on Intel Corp. microprocessors despite the fierce competition between the two companies, AMD's chief technology officer said in an interview.
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