Cloudyn monitors and optimizes AWS usage
The service aims to help cloud users cut their costs.
The service aims to help cloud users cut their costs.
The initiative is called Futurama internally and will touch products like WebEx, Quad, Jabber IM and Tandberg.
Tilera claims its 36-core chip outperforms Intel's Sandy Bridge chips in performance-per-watt.
Apple's products do not warrant the intellectual property protections that it claims, Samsung said.
The company eventually recalled 32,000 batteries, which a watchdog agency said were at risk of overheating or catching fire
Could SAP's HANA in-memory database change the world as much as IBM's original PC?
In separate incident, hacker claims access to SCADA system at Houston utility.
Kína csütörtökön reagált az amerikai kormány azon aggodalmaira, mely szerint a kínai kormány blokkolja a vállalati honlapokat. A szocialista ország nem örül annak, hogy az USA az internetes szabadságjogok megsértése címszóval próbál beavatkozni országa belügyeibe.
The phone maker has a strategy to bring smartphones to the masses.
The account was apparently taken by a group calling itself The Script Kiddies.
The hacking group LulzSec claims to have disbanded.
The FBI targeted two operations, one of which cost victims $72 million, the FBI said.
Yahoo aims to simplify the discovery of mobile applications.
The feature preloads pages Google believes users will click on from its search results.
IBM has made what it claims is the first graphene-based integrated circuit, using many of the same techniques now used to produce silicon circuits. The technique could one day be used to produce superior wireless communication devices and less-expensive displays.
A New York man who claims he's entitled to a sizable stake in Facebook has amended his initial complaint, adjusting his ownership claim and providing additional documents, including e-mails he allegedly exchanged with Mark Zuckerberg.
The game of musical chairs continues at Twitter, where co-founder and former CEO Evan Williams will step down as product development leader, a role that will be taken over by Jack Dorsey, another co-founder who had distanced himself from the company's daily operations.
Technology companies across Asia have found ways to help people in Japan left devastated by the 9.0-magnitude earthquake last Friday, the 7-meter tsunami it spawned, and displacement caused by troubles at a nuclear power plant there.
VMware said on Tuesday it had acquired WaveMaker, the creator of open-source software that lets non-developers build Java Web applications.
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