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Találatok száma: 43

3 ok, amiért a felhasználók képtelenek leszokni a biztonsági hibákról

Biztonság | 2024.06.05 16:22

Ha megértjük, hogy mi áll a munkavállalók biztonsági hibáinak hátterében, az segíthet a CISO-knak abban, hogy érdemben korrigálják a biztonságtudatossági képzési stratégiáikat.

A privilégium nem jár mindenkinek: kiemelt fiókok és jogosultságok kezelése 4 lépésben

Céginfo | 2017.08.18 11:38

A legtöbb vállalatnál tisztában vannak vele, hogy túl sok rendszergazdai jogosultság kiadása kockázattal jár, mégsem fordítanak kellő figyelmet a területre. A veszély jelentőségére a Verizon „Data Breach Investigations Report" anyaga is rámutatott.

Qualcomm may face probe into business practices in South Korea

IDG News | 2015.02.12 19:08

The new investigation follows China fining Qualcomm $975 for monopolistic behavior.

Apple attacked over 'worsening' factory conditions in China

IDG News | 2014.09.05 10:07

An investigation has revealed health and safety violations at a factory that supplies Apple and other brands.

Microsoft claims win over FBI, but agency still got its way

IDG News | 2014.05.23 06:31

The FBI declined to fight Microsoft after it found another way to keep its investigation secret.

Adatbázisok biztonsági kérdései

Biztonság | 2013.04.24 07:00

A Verizone Business 2012 Data Breach Investigations Report felmérése szerint - bár az adatbázisok alig 6%-a volt csak érintett az incidensekben - az adatok 96%-a adatbázisokból került ki illetéktelen kezekbe. Az aktuális trendeket figyelembe véve az elkövetkező időszakban várhatóan az érintett adatbázisok számossága és százalékos aránya is növekedni fog.

Apple partner Foxconn in bribery investigation

IDG News | 2013.01.11 11:15

Foxconn is the subject of a bribery probe by the Chinese authorities.

ITC confirms investigation of Samsung at Ericsson's request

IDG News | 2013.01.04 09:45

Ericsson hopes to prevent some of Samsung's products being imported to the U.S. because of alleged patent violations.

HP confirms DOJ investigation into Autonomy acquisition

IDG News | 2012.12.29 11:15

HP said in a regulatory filing with the SEC that it has provided information to U.S. and U.K. authorities.

Politics, not security, behind Huawei, ZTE allegations, say analysts

IDG News | 2012.10.08 20:03

A year-long investigation by a U.S. congressional committee has reportedly concluded that Chinese telecommunication equipment vendors Huawei Technologies and ZTE pose a security threat to the nation, and the committee is advising U.S. firms to buy networking gear from other vendors. But analysts say the committee's investigation is motivated more by politics, while doing little to safeguard U.S. telecommunication networks.

Google faces investigation by India's antitrust agency

IDG News | 2012.08.14 10:33

Competition Commission of India, the country's antitrust agency, is investigating Google for alleged anti-competitive practices following a complaint by a consumer watchdog group, a federal minister told Parliament on Monday, according to the country's Press Information Bureau.

U.S. Judge upholds investigators' access to Twitter data

IDG News | 2011.11.11 08:03

The ruling in the WikiLeaks investigation upheld secrecy in collecting such information.

FBI warns that fake bin Laden video is a virus

IDG News | 2011.05.04 13:15

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation warned computer users Tuesday that messages claiming to include photos and videos of Osama bin Laden's death actually contain a virus that could steal personal information.

Report: SEC investigating Mark Hurd's departure from HP

IDG News | 2010.12.21 10:57

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has opened an information investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mark Hurd's departure from Hewlett-Packard, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

Report: EU may delay Intel's McAfee acquisition

IDG News | 2010.12.20 10:35

European regulators are looking closely at Intel's planned McAfee acquisition and may hold up the deal with an investigation, according to a report published Friday.

EU drops two Apple iPhone antitrust investigations

IDG News | 2010.09.27 12:05

The European Commission has dropped two antitrust investigations concerning Apple's iPhone after the company reversed two policies that drew the regulator's scrutiny.

Texas conducting antitrust review of Google

IDG News | 2010.09.06 09:53

Google on Friday said that the Texas Attorney General's Office is conducting an antitrust review of the search giant, following a similar investigation launched in Europe earlier this year.

AU Optronics CEO barred from leaving US

IDG News | 2010.08.23 11:28

The chief executive officer of Taiwanese display panel maker AU Optronics, who faces felony charges related to an LCD price-fixing investigation, has been barred from leaving the U.S.

HP's Mark Hurd resigns amid sexual harassment investigation

IDG News | 2010.08.09 13:31

Mark Hurd is stepping down as CEO of Hewlett-Packard following an investigation into claims that he sexually harassed a former contractor to the company.

EU hits IBM with two formal antitrust investigations

IDG News | 2010.07.26 16:55

The European Commission announced on Monday that it will begin formal investigations into allegations that IBM has abused its dominant market position in mainframe computers.

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