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Találatok száma: 143

Vista delayed until 2007, users unfazed

IDG News | 2006.03.27 13:17

With corporate uptake of Windows Vista likely to be "sluggish", news last week that the general release of Windows Vista has been delayed until January 2007 left many IT managers unfazed. Few companies said they planned urgent rollouts of Vista and were happy with the stability of their XP fleet.

Oracle to cut 2,000 jobs in Siebel integration

IDG News | 2006.02.10 15:08

The integration of Siebel Systems Inc. into Oracle Corp. will result in a reduction of 2,000 in the total workforce of the combined companies, but a majority of the layoffs will affect Oracle employees, Oracle said Thursday.

Fight between Blu-ray, HD-DVD bad for everyone

IDG News | 2006.01.06 13:43

The drive to replace DVD technology with newer discs boasting greater storage capacity has come down to two major competing formats, and the coming marketplace battle will be bad for companies and users, the head of a major U.S. technology products retailer said Friday.

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