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Találatok száma: 459

Android extends smartphone OS dominance in Q2, says Gartner

IDG News | 2012.08.14 10:30

Android continued to increase its dominance of the smartphone market during the second quarter, powered by Samsung's success. Competitor Apple in contrast struggled somewhat as consumers held out for the next iteration of the iPhone, Gartner said Tuesday.

Baidu employees fired and arrested for taking bribes to delete content

IDG News | 2012.08.07 09:36

Users in China can easily find paid services online that claim they can delete content from popular forums.

Apple asks court to punish Samsung for releasing documents in iPhone suit

IDG News | 2012.08.02 09:46

Samsung gave media outlets documents that had been excluded from evidence.

Tool released at Black Hat contains 150 ways to bypass Web application firewalls

IDG News | 2012.07.26 08:31

New tool can test if Web application firewalls are vulnerable to protocol-level evasion techniques.

Remek negyedévet zárt az ARM

Tech | 2012.07.25 14:53

A brit chipdizájner a kedvezőtlen gazdasági környezet és az erősödő konkurencia ellenére is remekül teljesít. A második negyedév eladásai minden várakozást felülmúltak.

Bajban a Kodak: elutasították a RIM és Apple elleni keresetét

Tech | 2012.07.23 13:51

Az ITC érvénytelennek nyilvánította a Kodak egyik legfontosabb szabadalmát. A csődvédelem alatt álló gyártó hiába ácsingózik a RIM-től és az Apple-től remélt kártérítési összegre; az ítélet hosszabb távon is nehéz helyzetbe hozhatja őket.

Oracle to release 88 security fixes

IDG News | 2012.07.13 08:29

The patch batch will be issued next Tuesday.

Microsoft tries to sweeten Office 365 deal for partners

IDG News | 2012.07.10 07:45

The company wants to make Office 365 easier to sell and more profitable for partners.

Don't expect a kinder, gentler Oracle after sales executive's departure

IDG News | 2012.06.22 08:15

Oracle's hard-driving sales culture isn't about to change, at least not easily or soon, according to industry observers.

LinkedIn hit with lawsuit over massive data breach

IDG News | 2012.06.20 07:08

A lawsuit seeking class-action status said the company failed to implement 'industry standard' security measures.

Windows 8 hits its next milestone -- Release Preview is out now

IDG News | 2012.06.01 08:34

Microsoft also announced details of a program to offer Windows 8 at a discount to consumers who buy Windows 7 PCs.

BalaBit Announces New Release of its syslog-ng Store Box Log Management Appliance

IDG News | 2012.05.18 08:15

The turn-key appliance for log management helps meet compliance requirements while lowers the operational risks and costs.

Apple revenue, profit jump as iPhone sales beat expectations

IDG News | 2012.04.25 16:02

Sales of iPhones increase 88 percent year-over-year to 88 million units.

ESET Endpoint Solutions a tesztelés az utolsó fázisába lépett

Céginfo | 2012.04.06 16:00

A szoftveres támadások, vírusok elleni proaktív védekezés terén piacvezető ESET a héten jelentette be, hogy az üzleti felhasználók számára kifejlesztett új zászlóshajójának, az összefoglaló néven ESET Endpoint Solutions elnevezésre keresztelt megoldásainak a tesztelése az utolsó fázisba lépett, immár a végső kiadásra szánt szoftver minden tulajdonságával felruházott – úgynevezett RC (vagyis Release Candidate) - verziót tesztelhetik a cég vállalati ügyfelei.

IBM releases DB2 version 10, the first big upgrade in four years

IDG News | 2012.04.03 07:51

IBM's newly updated flagship database can shrink storage requirements and speed query response, the company claims.

Apple touts 'record weekend' of iPad sales

IDG News | 2012.03.20 07:46

Apple today said sales of the new iPad over the weekend set a record, and not surprisingly, that it is pleased with the tablet's debut.

Soon after release, latest iPad model is jailbroken

IDG News | 2012.03.19 08:02

The third-generation iPad will run unauthorized applications if it is modified.

Encyclopaedia Britannica drops print edition

IDG News | 2012.03.14 07:39

In a sign of the digital times, the oldest English-language encyclopedia still in print will cease publication and exist only online.

Microsoft releases Windows Server 8 beta

IDG News | 2012.03.02 07:13

Microsoft's next generation server OS will come with virtualization and application hosting improvements.

HP cuts staff as webOS transitions to open-source

IDG News | 2012.02.29 08:01

HP plans to release the entire operating system to the open-source community by September.

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