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Találatok száma: 2305

Google, Microsoft and Yahoo collaborate in search

IDG News | 2011.06.03 09:57

In a rare display of collaboration, Google has joined forces with its search rivals Microsoft and Yahoo in a project intended to improve the Web crawling and indexing of structured data, which often originates in databases and loses its format when converted into HTML.

ARM expects half of mobile PC market by 2015

IDG News | 2011.05.30 11:19

ARM Holdings hopes to wrestle dominance of the mobile PC market from Intel and have ARM-based processors in more than half of all tablets, mini-notebooks and other mobile PCs sold in 2015, the company's president said Monday.

Senate panel approves controversial copyright bill

IDG News | 2011.05.27 13:54

A U.S. Senate committee has unanimously approved a controversial bill that would allow the U.S. Department of Justice to seek court orders requiring search engines and Internet service providers to stop sending traffic to websites accused of infringing copyright.

Életbe léphet a PROTECT IP

Tech | 2011.05.27 13:26

Az amerikai szenátus bírói testülete egyhangú szavazással jóváhagyta azt a vitatott törvényjavaslatot, amely lehetővé teszi az igazságügyi minisztérium számára, hogy a bíróság együttműködésével a jogsértő tartalmakat tartalmazó weboldalak blokkolásásra kötelezze az internetes szolgáltatókat.

Analyst: Foxconn Explosion Could Lead to iPad Shortages

IDG News | 2011.05.23 10:23

The tech world is abuzz again with worries about shortages of popular products, this time because of an explosion at a Chinese factory that killed two people.

GlobalFoundries to construct Abu Dhabi plant next year

IDG News | 2011.05.20 10:55

Chip manufacturing firm GlobalFoundries will begin construction of a new manufacturing plant in Abu Dhabi next year, the majority stakeholder of the company said on Friday.

Microsoft, SAP team to ease cloud deployments

IDG News | 2011.05.19 11:07

In an attempt to ease cloud deployments for their combined customer base, Microsoft and SAP are configuring some of their software products so that they work more easily together.

SAP revamps performance management suite

IDG News | 2011.05.17 10:22

SAP is preparing to release a major revamp of its software for EPM (enterprise performance management), a subset of BI (business intelligence) that focuses on areas such as budgeting, planning and compliance, the company announced Monday in conjunction with the annual Sapphire conference in Orlando.

EU, US call for ICANN Internet governance reforms

IDG News | 2011.05.16 09:40

The U.S. and the European Union have agreed to work together to ensure that domain naming on the Internet remains in the hands of independent private-sector stakeholders, but have demanded reforms.

Ballmer: Microsoft won't tie Skype to Windows

IDG News | 2011.05.11 12:40

Microsoft will integrate Skype's calling features into many of its key products, including Office, the Xbox and its Windows Phone software, but it will it will also continue to offer Skype for competing platforms, CEO Steve Ballmer said Tuesday.

Broadcom buying smart-card security specialist SC Square

IDG News | 2011.05.09 13:00

Chip maker Broadcom said Sunday that it will pay US$41.9 million for SC Square, a move that will bring expertise in smart-card security to the Irvine, California, architect of silicon for communications equipment.

Barnes & Noble to announce new e-reader

IDG News | 2011.05.06 13:33

Bookseller Barnes & Noble told analysts that it expects to announce on May 24 the launch of a new e-reader device, suggesting that the company may be moving further in its strategy to combine its e-reader with tablet PC functionality.

ARM to bite into Intel's PC dominance by 2015, IDC says

IDG News | 2011.05.06 13:30

IDC on Thursday predicted that ARM will capture a 15 percent share of the PC microprocessor market by 2015, as the company dials up development of processors for laptops and desktops.

RIM, Microsoft Announce Partnership with Focus on Bing

IDG News | 2011.05.05 15:54

BlackBerry-maker Research In Motion (RIM) and software giant Microsoft on Tuesday announced a new pact under which the two companies will partner to offer a variety of Bing related services to BlackBerry smartphone and PlayBook tablet users. Bing is Microsoft's Web search offering, and it's one of the top three search engines along with Google and Yahoo Search, according to Hitwise.

Oracle subpoenas Apache Foundation in Google suit

IDG News | 2011.05.05 15:51

Oracle has subpoenaed the Apache Software Foundation in connection with its ongoing intellectual property suit against Google, the open-source group said Wednesday.

FBI warns that fake bin Laden video is a virus

IDG News | 2011.05.04 13:15

The U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation warned computer users Tuesday that messages claiming to include photos and videos of Osama bin Laden's death actually contain a virus that could steal personal information.

South Korea raids Google over illegal mobile data collection

IDG News | 2011.05.03 12:54

Police in South Korea said they had raided Google's Korea head office in Seoul on Tuesday on suspicion that the subsidiary of the search engine company had illegally collected location data from application subscribers.

Sony cuts off Sony Online Entertainment service after hack

IDG News | 2011.05.03 10:51

The widely publicized hack of Sony's computer networks is worse than previously thought, also affecting 24.6 million Sony Online Entertainment network accounts.

Worst-case projected cost of Epsilon breach: $4B

IDG News | 2011.05.02 10:04

The ultimate fee for the data breach last month at email service provider Epsilon could reach as high as $4 billion, depending on what becomes of the data that was stolen, according to a cyber-risk advisory firm.

Intel eyes post-Thunderbolt interconnect for 2015

IDG News | 2011.04.28 13:20

A new interconnect technology being developed by Intel could be ready for use by 2015 and will be able to shuttle data between computers at up to five times the speed of its recently launched Thunderbolt technology, an Intel researcher said on Wednesday.

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