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Találatok száma: 149

US, EU, Japan elevate rare earth complaint against China

IDG News | 2012.06.28 08:27

The three governments want the WTO to appoint a dispute settlement panel to examine China's export policies.

HP worried about an Oracle takeover after Hurd switched sides

IDG News | 2012.06.19 07:33

HP wanted assurances against a hostile bid in the settlement of its suit against Hurd.

EU carriers: We're not asking the UN for Internet taxes

IDG News | 2012.06.11 08:08

An EU proposal for new ITU regulations is not asking for taxes, but wants commercial compensation for carriers from content producers.

Emergency mobile phone runs on single AA battery, stows for 15 years

IDG News | 2012.06.06 07:44

A Taiwanese company has launched a bare bones handset for US$70 and plans to market it to rental car firms and mobile operators.

Opera acquires two mobile ad companies

IDG News | 2012.02.16 07:28

The company wants to make more money from the traffic generated via its mobile browsers.

Új vezérigazgató az Invitel élén

Tech | 2012.01.13 10:48

Az új vállalatvezető, David McGowan 8 év után váltja Martin Lea-t.

Kiválóság díjat nyert a ZyXEL

Céginfo | 2012.01.03 13:36

Fontos sikert könyvelhetett el a világ egyik vezető szélessávú eszköz-, és megoldásszállító vállalata: Taiwan Excellence díjjal ismerték el a ZyXEL Powerline terméksorozatának kiválóságát. A gyártó nem először kapta meg az elismerést, a korábbi években is díjazták termékeit.

LibreOffice backers want community to join 'bug hunt'

IDG News | 2011.12.22 09:04

The goal is to make 'the best free office suite ever'.

SAP pays $3.4 billion for cloud vendor SuccessFactors

IDG News | 2011.12.05 08:06

SAP wants the acquisition to bolster its cloud strategy.

T-Mobile wants to prevent U.S. ban on Samsung products

IDG News | 2011.09.29 09:51

T-Mobile said a preliminary injunction on sale of Samsung products in the U.S. will affect its holiday sales.

Hálózatba kapcsolt automaták, autók és orvosi eszközök

Tech | 2011.09.05 11:07

A Cisco új kompakt routerét már a jövő internetéhez tervezték.

Oracle wants HP-Hurd settlement tossed out

IDG News | 2011.08.31 13:55

Oracle is accusing Hewlett-Packard of fraud in connection with the companies' settlement agreement over the hiring of former HP CEO Mark Hurd, and wants the pact dissolved, according to a court filing Tuesday.

5 surprising IT skills that hiring managers want now

IDG News | 2011.08.03 08:50

Ever wonder which up-and-coming tech skills are catching the attention of IT hiring managers? Careers site Dice.com keeps track of the most popular terms that employers search for, and it also notes when emerging skills start appearing in keyword searches with greater frequency.

US Army wants soldiers to have advanced smartphones, wireless technology

IDG News | 2011.07.06 08:33

As the U.S. Army ponders how to give every soldier a smartphone loaded with apps for military purposes -- and be able to support global communications not only with commercial cellular networks like Sprint, Verizon or AT&T -- it is also exploring how it can quickly set up its own wireless network almost anywhere in the world.

Chinese city draws ire with controversial cloud zone

IDG News | 2011.06.30 08:05

The city of Chongqing wants to build an IT hub free of China's Internet censorship.

New LightSquared plan faces attack, uncertainty

IDG News | 2011.06.22 08:21

The carrier wants to change frequencies to prevent interference with GPS.

Wozniak: Tablet is the PC for 'normal people'

IDG News | 2011.04.05 11:01

Tablets are the culmination of what Steve Jobs wanted to create at Apple from the beginning, Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak said Monday.

Taiwan airport opens e-library for transit passengers

IDG News | 2011.03.11 12:05

Taiwan's international airport has opened what it calls the world's first in-transit e-library, offering 400 e-book titles to ease waiting-hall boredom while showcasing the island's high-tech capabilities.

Intel plots 'client-aware' cloud services

IDG News | 2011.02.28 15:17

Intel wants the cloud to be a bit smarter.

SAP challenging $1.3B jury award in Oracle trial

IDG News | 2011.02.25 10:42

SAP wants a judge to reduce the US$1.3 billion award a jury granted Oracle last year in its intellectual property-theft lawsuit to no more than $408.7 million, and also asked for a new trial, according to filings made late Wednesday in U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California.

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