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Találatok száma: 755

Elektroszmogról egyeztetett Szalai Annamária hivatala

Tech | 2010.10.07 13:09

Október 5-én és 6-án a Nemzeti Média- és Hírközlési Hatóság szervezésében Budapesten tartotta soros értekezletét az EMC ADCO (Electromagnetic Compatibility Working Group on Administrative Co-operation). A tagállamok piacfelügyeleti szervezeteinek küldötteiből álló munkacsoport elsősorban az úgynevezett EMC (electromagnetic compatibility, elektromágneses összeférhetőség) irányelv betartásának tapasztalataival foglalkozott, és téma volt az irányelvet alkalmazó országok piacfelügyeleti kampányainak megszervezése és lebonyolítása is.

Intel makes WiMax investment with South Korea's KT

IDG News | 2010.09.30 11:16

Intel and South Korea's KT Corporation plan to work together to expand WiBro (Wireless Broadband) Internet service to several new areas of South Korea and and have worked to make the network compatible with mobile WiMax.

Dell names former Cisco exec to lead networking

IDG News | 2010.09.24 10:25

Dell has hired Cisco Systems veteran Dario Zamarian to lead its networking business, naming him as its first vice president dedicated to that division.

Mark Hurd may take job at Oracle, report says

IDG News | 2010.09.06 09:50

When Mark Hurd resigned unexpectedly from Hewlett-Packard last month he found an outspoken supporter in the form of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison. It appears now that Hurd may end up working for Ellison, according to a report Saturday in the Wall Street Journal.

Google continues social-networking push with Angstro buy

IDG News | 2010.08.30 15:58

Google continues to aggressively pursue social-networking capabilities, this time with the acquisition of Angstro.

Google, Verizon make net neutrality proposal

IDG News | 2010.08.10 09:59

Google and Verizon Communications have released a proposal that would give the U.S. Federal Communications Commission limited power to enforce network neutrality rules, including levying fines up to US$2 million for violations by broadband providers.

Google drops Google Wave

IDG News | 2010.08.05 10:59

A little more than a year after the service was launched, Google is pulling the plug on its Google Wave social-networking service, the company said Wednesday.

Dell to acquire storage vendor Ocarina Networks

IDG News | 2010.07.20 09:31

Dell announced Monday that it plans to acquire Ocarina Networks, a maker of hardware and software designed to reduce the amount of storage capacity enterprises need, for an undisclosed sum.

A Xerox WorkCentre 3550 felgyorsítja a leterhelt irodák munkafolyamatait

Céginfo | 2010.07.20 09:30

Az elfoglalt, változatos dokumentumkezelési megoldásokat igénylő irodák számára nyújt megoldást a Xerox új, fekete-fehér multifunkciós nyomtatója, a WorkCentre® 3550.

3D coming to Adobe's Flash

IDG News | 2010.07.12 09:58

Adobe Systems has started work to bring 3D to its Flash platform, and will preview the technology at the company's upcoming developer conference in October.

Iroda havi 20 ezerért?

Üzlet | 2010.07.05 14:21

Egyszemélyes vállalkozásoknak optimális megoldás lehet a Pesten is egyre divatosabb coworkig.

Building a Facebook killer won't be easy for Google

IDG News | 2010.06.30 12:12

Hearsay in recent days that Google is working hard on a project to better compete against Facebook has captured the attention of industry observers, who wonder what shape this initiative might take and what is its likelihood of success.

TeliaSonera launches dual-mode LTE and 3G modem

IDG News | 2010.06.29 12:09

Network operator TeliaSonera plans to start shipping the world's first dual-mode modem for LTE (Long-Term Evolution) and 3G mobile networks on Wednesday.

VMware's Maritz: OSes are having their jobs stolen

IDG News | 2010.06.24 11:11

Virtualization and open development frameworks are squeezing out operating systems in data centers, VMware President and CEO Paul Maritz said Wednesday at the Structure 2010 conference in San Francisco.

IBM courts finance market with new framework

IDG News | 2010.06.23 12:16

IBM unveiled on Tuesday a new package of pre-integrated software applications, called the Financial Markets Industry Framework, configured for the financial services market.

Clearwire brings WiMax 4G/3G hardware to Macs

IDG News | 2010.06.18 11:52

WiMax service provider Clearwire on Thursday introduced its first 4G/3G modem that works with Mac laptops, as well as its first Wi-Fi hotspots with integrated 4G or 4G/3G radios.

Networking: a kapcsolatépítés tudománya

Üzlet | 2010.06.14 17:10

Egy vállalkozás sikere nagyon sokszor a szerencsén múlik, de nem árt ezt a szerencsét megalapozni némi kapcsolati tőkével.

Foxconn plans further pay increase to stop suicides

IDG News | 2010.06.07 10:18

Foxconn plans to raise pay again for workers in Shenzhen, China, to put a stop to a string of suicides at its main factory there, a campus of over 300,000 workers.

Australia to investigate Google data collection

IDG News | 2010.06.07 10:11

The Australian Attorney-General's Department has called on the Australian Federal Police (AFP) to investigate Google's recent collection of data pertaining to Wi-Fi networks, and potentially private data.

Elevator Pitch döntő és Geek konferencia

Tech | 2010.06.04 12:32

Nagy a nyüzsgés a hazai startupok háza táján, a következő hetekben több rendezvény is nagyszerű lehetőséget kínál a networkölésre, tanulásra.

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