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Találatok száma: 479

AMD releases final single-core Opteron chip

IDG News | 2006.04.12 11:44

In another sign that the future of powerful processors lies in multicore design instead of dense monolithic chips, Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) released the last scheduled upgrade to its family of single-core Opteron processors.

Tíz éves a Palm

Üzlet | 2006.04.04 01:26

A Palm egy évtizede készítette el első tenyérgépét, mely mára önálló iparággá nőtte ki magát, olyannyira, hogy a cég azóta már az okostelefonok világa felé oldalaz.

Palm rides Treo sales to strong quarter

IDG News | 2006.03.24 13:22

Shares of Palm Inc. were trading up slightly at midday Friday, boosted by a strong third-quarter financial report and an optimistic forecast for the fourth quarter.

IBM's Cell processor shows its potential

IDG News | 2006.03.11 11:19

IBM Corp. is using a cluster of prototype blade servers built around its multicore Cell microprocessor to breathe life into a three-dimensional model of a beating human heart at the Cebit trade show in Hanover.

Researcher hacks Microsoft Fingerprint Reader

IDG News | 2006.03.07 12:22

Never mind worrying about hackers stealing your password. A security researcher with the Finnish military has shown how they could steal your fingerprint, by taking advantage of an omission in Microsoft Corp.'s Fingerprint Reader, a PC authentication device that Microsoft has been shipping since September 2004.

Imation to manufacture HD-DVD, Blu-ray optical media

IDG News | 2006.02.24 23:27

Imation, a worldwide supplier of removable data storage media, has announced that it has begun its scale-up of manufacturing for HD-DVD and Blu-ray optical recordable media in preparation for product introduction early this year.

Plextor offers network attached storage

IDG News | 2006.02.07 12:07

Plextor, perhaps best known to Mac users for its external optical drives and personal video recorder (PVR) devices, has entered the Network Attached Storage (NAS) market with the introduction of its PX-EH line. Prices start at US$299.

First phone to use Memory Stick Micro is unveiled

IDG News | 2006.02.07 12:06

The first cell phone to make use of Sony Corp.'s new Memory Stick Micro memory card format was unveiled by Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB on Monday.

Bemutatták az első Memory Stick Micrós mobiltelefont

Tech | 2006.02.07 10:27

A Sony Ericsson bemutatta első olyan mobiltelefonját, amely a Sony új Memory Stick Micro formátumú memóriakártyáját használja.

Két év börtön Windows forráskód lopásért

Tech | 2006.01.30 11:01

Egy Connecticut állambeli férfit, akit az interneten "illwill" néven ismerhettek, két év börtönben letöltendő szabadságvesztésre ítéltek pénteken, amiért ellopta a Windows operációs rendszer forráskódját.

US court sets date for Google hearing

IDG News | 2006.01.27 13:52

Google Inc. attorneys will square off against the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) at a Feb. 27 hearing over the issue of providing the government with information about searches for pornography on the company's site.

Typically, low- and mid-range phones drive sales, IDC said. But while high-end devices still make up a relatively small proportion of overall shipments, the category reported a big year-over-year leap. More than 55 million converged mobile devices shipped

IDG News | 2006.01.26 13:55

Microsoft Corp. on Thursday reported the highest quarterly revenue in company history for its fiscal 2006 second quarter on the strength of its Windows OS and a series of highly anticipated product releases. Still, the company fell slightly shy of analysts' revenue expectations.

A felhasználók az LG mobiljaira szavaznak

Tech | 2006.01.19 11:52

A mobiltelefonok nemzetközi piacának negyedik helyén álló LG Electronics a vezeték nélküli készülékek terén 86%-kos fogyasztói elégedettség mutatóval vezet Nyugat-Európában - tette közzé a Strategy Analytics (SA) globális kutató és tanácsadó cég.

Microsoft patches two critical vulnerabilities

IDG News | 2006.01.11 12:39

As part of its monthly security updates, Microsoft Corp. Tuesday released patches for two critical vulnerabilities in its products. The more serious of the two flaws is a remote code execution vulnerability affecting Microsoft Outlook and Microsoft Exchange Server products.

Sharp to speed up LCD factory expansion

IDG News | 2006.01.11 12:28

Sharp Corp. is planning to increase production at its two LCD (liquid crystal display) factories in Japan in response to anticipated soaring demand for flat-panel LCD televisions over the next few years, it said Wednesday. The company also expects to report record sales in 2006.

Court gives first nod to Sony BMG settlement

IDG News | 2006.01.09 13:56

The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is praising a U.S. District Court judge's preliminary approval Friday of a settlement with Sony BMG Music Entertainment over two widely-criticized copy protection programs found on an estimated 15 million music CDs.

Microsoft shuts down Chinese blogger's site

IDG News | 2006.01.06 02:54

Microsoft Corp. has blocked the site of a Chinese blogger critical of the government, raising sharp questions from its own employees over how far the company should go in abiding by restrictive laws used to curtail free speech and press in the communist country.

Megnyerték az első európai levélszemét-ellenes pert

Tech | 2006.01.03 11:19

Nigel Roberts, egy egyszerű angol honpolgár volt az első, aki sikeresen használta fel egy polgári peres eljárásban a kéretlen reklám e-mailek ellen az Európai Unió meglévő, elektronikus magánszférával kapcsolatos törvényét: ennek hozományaként a precedens értékű ügyben a "bűnöst", azaz a Falkirkben található Media Logistics vállalatot 500 dollárnyi pénzbüntetésre ítélte a bíróság.

EU law used to beat spammers

IDG News | 2006.01.02 02:32

Nigel Roberts used the European Union's E-Privacy Directive law to win Ł300 (US$500) in compensation from Falkirk-based Media Logistics (UK) Ltd., becoming the first person in the country to use European legislation to defeat spammers.

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