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Találatok száma: 479

First look: Mozilla Thunderbird 2

IDG News | 2007.04.10 10:12

If you like Thunderbird 1.5, you'll love version 2, now available as a near-final release candidate. Like the new Firefox 2, Thunderbird 2 doesn't introduce any radical changes. But it does introduce inherently useful upgrades that will boost your productivity, particularly if your inbox overflows with e-mail.

AMD upgrades dual-core Opteron chip to 3GHz

IDG News | 2007.04.05 11:28

Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) has begun shipping two 3GHz versions of its dual-core Opteron chip to server vendors, continuing a battle over multicore processing power with Intel Corp., the company said Wednesday.

InfoWorld folds print after 29 years

IDG News | 2007.04.02 09:03

Tom Shea, writing in these pages 25 years ago, had it almost right. His article "Subscribe to Magazines with your Microcomputer" in January 1983 described Publishers Aide -- a "magazine subscription fulfillment" company that planned to let home computer users "key ... in a code" to access subscription data from the company's IBM mainframe.

EU official: Microsoft's behavior unacceptable

IDG News | 2007.03.22 17:29

European competition commissioner Neelie Kroes hit out at Microsoft Corp. in comments to European parliamentarians Thursday, saying it is "unacceptable" that the company continues to gain market share using tactics that were outlawed in the Commission's 2004 antitrust ruling against the software vendor.

A Windows XP rendszer futtatása Macintoshon

Tech | 2007.03.21 11:39

Az Intel-processzoros Macintosh gépekkel zöld utat kapott a Windows az almás masinákon. Mostani cikkünkben két módszert mutatunk be - a külön partíciókat és a virtuális windowsozást.

China takes top spot in zombie PCs

IDG News | 2007.03.20 16:22

China has taken over as the world's most botnet-infested country, as the sophistication and danger of cyberattackers continues to grow, according to Symantec.

Dell beats earnings mark despite sinking profits

IDG News | 2007.03.02 09:59

Still gasping from the resignation of its chief executive in January and an ongoing investigation of its accounting practices, Dell Inc. reported fourth quarter profits of US$673 million, down sharply from the $1 billion it reported for the same period last year.

Survey: Vista now in use on less than 1 percent of PCs

IDG News | 2007.03.02 09:24

Windows Vista may yet prove to be an unstoppable juggernaut, but statistics released Thursday by a market research firm show that the new operating system hasn't even licked its nine-year old ancestor.

Google to enhance tools to fight click fraud

IDG News | 2007.03.01 09:41

Google Inc. will provide more data and tools to help its advertisers assess and combat click fraud, a controversial practice that is the biggest enemy of the otherwise highly popular and profitable online advertising model known as pay per click.

Japan, Russia to link via undersea fiber cable

IDG News | 2007.02.28 15:45

Japan and Russia plan to link their telecommunications networks via a new undersea fiber optic cable, they said late Tuesday. The cable, which is expected to be in place by the end of this year, avoids the area south of Taiwan in which many cables suffered damage after a powerful earthquake last year.

Mozilla patches Firefox, but leaves some flaws unfixed

IDG News | 2007.02.26 09:39

Mozilla Corp. updated Firefox Friday to patch 14 vulnerabilities, three of them critical, but pushed out the new versions without fixing several flaws.

Microsoft: Excel vulnerable to new attack

IDG News | 2007.02.05 08:57

With its February security patches now two weeks away, Microsoft Corp. is warning of another critical flaw in its Office software.

Microsoft makes push to entice Vista customers

IDG News | 2007.01.19 11:48

Microsoft Corp. Wednesday unveiled more discounts and upgrade options for Windows Vista aimed at jump-starting sales of the operating system.

Man critically burned in fire started in cell phone

IDG News | 2007.01.17 09:29

A veteran Vallejo, Calif., fire investigator said a cell phone that was left on caught fire in a sleeping man's pocket, causing a fire that critically burned the man and heavily damaged his apartment.

Optikai joystick a mobilon

Tech | 2006.12.20 14:01

A Samsung SCH-V960 érdekessége, hogy optikai joystick-kal szerelték fel - az egér működéséhez hasonlóan a fénysugár az ujj mozgására reagál.

Intel might have to share documents in AMD case

IDG News | 2006.12.16 16:05

Intel Corp. should have to share documents that could show it used monopolistic practices to force overseas PC vendors and retailers to shun Advanced Micro Devices Inc. (AMD) chips, the special master to a U.S. federal court recommended Friday.

China readies DVD rival format push

IDG News | 2006.12.15 16:03

Electronics manufacturers in China may be gearing up for another attempt to establish a proprietary optical disc format, although some analysts said such a move is unlikely to succeed.

Third Word exploit released

IDG News | 2006.12.14 10:10

Hackers have released attack code that exploits a critical vulnerability in Microsoft Corp.'s Word software -- the third such bug to be disclosed in the past week.

Samsung, Sharp reeled into LCD investigation

IDG News | 2006.12.12 13:59

An investigation into possible anticompetitive behavior in the flat-panel display market widened Tuesday, with two more big vendors saying they had been contacted by investigators.

Sun goes multilingual with Java SE 6

IDG News | 2006.12.11 12:20

Over two years in the making, Sun Microsystems Inc. is due to release the latest version of its Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) software Monday, placing particular emphasis on the application development platform's support for other scripting languages.

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