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Találatok száma: 754

Baidu shuts down Twitter-like service

IDG News | 2011.08.10 08:41

Baidu retreats from China's booming microblogging market.

Black Hat: Apple does well but Microsoft does better with enterprise security

IDG News | 2011.08.08 08:42

While still not great, the operating systems behind Apple desktops, laptops and phones are getting more secure, researchers at Black Hat say. While not recommended for corporate use unless it's in islands within larger networks, the OSX operating system has made strides, says Alex Stamos, who lead a team of researchers from iSec Partners that researched the OSX and Windows 7 operating systems.

Google+ 'Real Names' Enforcement Panned

IDG News | 2011.08.08 08:40

Microsoft researcher and Harvard Berkman Center fellow Danah Boyd didn't mince any words.

Google+: 5 Legal Issues for Businesses

IDG News | 2011.08.04 09:01

As Google+ grows in popularity--now with more than 20 million users--the new social network is triggering a number of questions with legal implications from businesses about potential policy changes, data retention issues and more, according to Joshua Kubicki, senior director of legal and corporate practices at Applied Discovery, an e-discovery provider that works with corporations preparing for and responding to legal actions.

Can Google+ be the Next Facebook - and the Next Twitter?

IDG News | 2011.07.27 08:07

Google's social network has elements of both Facebook and Twitter. But will that versatility be powerful or confusing?

Foxconn worker falls to death in suspected suicide

IDG News | 2011.07.21 09:35

Over a dozen Foxconn workers attempted suicide last year leading to a controversy over working conditions.

Excel-kisokos - Formázások

Tech | 2011.07.08 11:22

Sorozatunk második részében a cellák alapvető beállításaitól kiindulva jutunk el egészen a feltételes formázások izgalmas világába.

IETF mulls IPv6 for home networking

IDG News | 2011.07.07 08:53

The proposed IETF Homenet group would select protocols for use in tomorrow's home networks.

US Army wants soldiers to have advanced smartphones, wireless technology

IDG News | 2011.07.06 08:33

As the U.S. Army ponders how to give every soldier a smartphone loaded with apps for military purposes -- and be able to support global communications not only with commercial cellular networks like Sprint, Verizon or AT&T -- it is also exploring how it can quickly set up its own wireless network almost anywhere in the world.

Excel-kisokos - Függvények

Tech | 2011.07.04 11:13

Új hatrészes sorozatunkban az Excel használóinak szeretnénk kedvezni. Elsőként természetesen a program alapját, a függvények használatát vesszük górcső alá.

Spam messages promise Google+ invites, deliver drug ads

IDG News | 2011.07.04 08:32

After Google pulls invites to its social network, spammers seize the moment.

10 best cloud backup strategies for biz continuity

IDG News | 2011.06.30 08:06

Whether they are cloud service outages or natural disasters, cloud computing can be both a nightmare or a savior to your IT organization: either it halts your business operation or loses your data, or it allows you to continue operate your business as workloads are switched to or backed up by physically safer data centers.

Ericsson to acquire Telcordia for $1.15 billion

IDG News | 2011.06.15 08:16

The deal will expand Ericsson's presence in North America and in network optimization systems.

Lawmakers question Sony, Epsilon on data breaches

IDG News | 2011.06.03 09:41

Recent data breaches at Sony's PlayStation Network and at e-mail service provider Epsilon will lead to legislation focused on improving cybersecurity at U.S. companies, the chairwoman of a U.S. House of Representatives subcommittee said Thursday.

Talpra állhat a Sony PlayStation Network

Tech | 2011.05.31 11:29

A Sony azt tervezi, hogy hétvégére a korábban sorozatos hackertámadások miatt lekapcsolt Sony PlayStation Network valamennyi szolgáltatását helyreállítja. A rendszer a japán, dél-koreai és hongkongi oldalak kivételével ismét globálisan elérhető lesz majd.

Sony PlayStation Network to be fully restored by weekend

IDG News | 2011.05.31 10:48

Sony plans to restore all its PlayStation Network services by this weekend in all regions except Japan, South Korea, and Hong Kong, the company said Tuesday.

HP Networking termékek az EASTRON kínálatában

Céginfo | 2011.05.30 11:26

Az EASTRON kínálatában ezentúl a HP Networking termékei is elérhetők, ez komplett hálózati megoldást jelent a PLC-től az ERP-ig. Az új partnerségünknek köszönhetően ezentúl teljes, a vállalati igényeket 100%-ban lefedő hálózati infrastruktúrát tudunk biztosítani két, a világ élvonalába tartozó gyártó (HP és Hirschmann) termékeire alapozva.

Networking chief Haas leaving HP

IDG News | 2011.05.30 11:18

Marius Haas, who led Hewlett-Packard's networking business through the 3Com acquisition that made it a broader competitor to Cisco Systems, is leaving the company for investment firm Kohlberg Kravis Roberts.

Magyar ugarról a világhírnév felé - akikre büszkék lehetünk

Tech | 2011.05.24 11:40

Napjaikban a garázsfejlesztők nagyon ritkán jutnak el a világhírig. Csupán jó ötletekből nem lehet meggazdagodni, a magyar startup-sikerhez egy jó csapat, piaci ismeret és szinte mértéktelen elhivatottság kell.

Sony takes down PlayStation Network after URL error

IDG News | 2011.05.19 11:08

Nothing comes easy to Sony these days. The company was forced to take part of its Sony PlayStation Network offline briefly on Wednesday as it fixed a Web glitch that gave hackers a way to take over users' accounts.

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