LCD makers express regret over U.S. price-fixing fines
Asian LCD makers fined by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) expressed regret over the price-fixing schemes that led to US$585 million in fines.
Asian LCD makers fined by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) expressed regret over the price-fixing schemes that led to US$585 million in fines.
While it still would present some integration challenges, AOL might be easier for Microsoft to absorb than Yahoo from a cultural and political perspective now that Microsoft's battle for Yahoo has gotten so ugly.
A former vice president of imaging and printing services at Hewlett-Packard has pleaded guilty to stealing trade secrets from IBM, the U.S. Department of Justice said.
IBM's India Research Laboratory (IRL) has developed technology that automatically detects and masks sensitive information in audio recordings.
Már a 40 százalékhoz közelít a Firefox részesedése a böngészők hazai piacán. Tízből hárman még mindig az IE 6.0-t használják.
Samsung Electronics on Monday unveiled two new mobile phones made with plastic made from corn as it expands initiatives aimed at being more nature-friendly.
The Srizbi botnet has stormed over its competition to become the Internet's biggest spammer.
Advanced Micro Devices on Wednesday announced it was shipping the quad-core Opteron chip in volume after fixing a bug, but concerns are being raised about AMD's abilities to stick to its product roadmap, analysts said.
Yahoo continues to make moves as Microsoft tries to acquire the company. Today it announced an agreement to purchase substantially all of the assets of Tensa Kft, more commonly known as IndexTools.
The economic slowdown in the U.S. has led Gartner to revise its 2008 worldwide PC shipments forecast downward slightly but the analyst firm is still predicting a strong year, particularly in the mobility space.
Az Anycall Haptic az iPhone vékonyabb változatának tűnik, de kezelőfelülete felülmúlja az Apple készülékének leehtőségeit.
Samsung's Anycall Haptic looks like a thinner version of Apple's iPhone, but adds a new dimension to the touch interface.
The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday denied a request by Microsoft to halt an antitrust suit that Novell filed against the company for anticompetitive behavior it said harmed its WordPerfect and QuattroPro business in the 1990s.
Hova tűnik a Vista, ha felteszünk mellé egy XP-t, és miképp lehet visszahozni? Hogyan szabadulhatunk meg a Vistától? Gyorstalpaló Windowsból.
Az éves Lotusphere konferencián, 7500 vásárló és partner előtt az IBM (IBM: NYSE: IBM) és az SAP AG (NYSE: SAP) együtt jelentették be, hogy egy új, „Atlantic” kódnevű közös szoftvertermék elkészítését tervezik. Az új megoldás a Lotus Notes szoftvert integrálja az SAPŽ Business Suite-tal, így a Lotus Notes vásárlók közvetlenül érhetik el és kezelhetik az SAP üzleti folyamatokat és adatokat a mindennap használt asztali környezeten.
Price cuts by Toshiba on its HD DVD players in the U.S. earlier this month may prove to be "useless resistance" in the battle against the rival Blu-ray Disc optical disc format, according to Gartner.
Az Ericsson sikeres együttműködési teszteket végzett Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service megoldására vezető lapkakészlet-szállítókkal.
Security experts are saying that a reported al-Qaeda cyber jihad attack planned against Western institutions should be treated with skepticism.
Mozilla Corp. late Thursday updated its open-source Firefox browser to patch 10 bugs in Firefox, including three rated as critical, and released the refreshed versions for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X.
Microsoft Corp. will release critical patches for its Windows and Word software next Tuesday as part of its monthly release of security patches.
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