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Találatok száma: 479

Cloud apps adoption can create IT staff unrest

IDG News | 2010.05.18 11:51

CIOs and IT managers know they must address concerns like security, compliance, service levels and end-user resistance when moving to cloud-based enterprise software, but they must not overlook a critical area: the feelings of their IT staffers.

Execs to serve jail time for LCD price-fixing

IDG News | 2010.05.03 10:43

The former president of Chi Mei Optoelectronics has agreed to pay a fine and go to jail for his role in a scheme to fix prices for TFT-LCDs (thin-film transistor-liquid crystal displays), the U.S. Department of Justice said Friday.

Samsung to put PCM for smartphones in chip package

IDG News | 2010.04.29 09:03

Samsung Electronics will ship a multichip package later this quarter for smartphones that will include phase-change memory (PCM), an emerging technology that could ultimately replace memory types like NOR flash, the company said Wednesday.

Consumer group calls for antitrust investigation of Google

IDG News | 2010.04.22 10:42

The U.S. Department of Justice should launch a broad antitrust investigation into Google's search and advertising practices and consider a wide array of penalties, including possibly breaking the company up, a consumer group said Wednesday.

Open-source advocate enters IBM antitrust fray

IDG News | 2010.04.07 11:00

Software developer and political lobbyist Florian Mueller weighed in on the European Commission's investigation of monopoly abuse claims against IBM, accusing the computing giant of deserting the interests of the open-source software community.

Researchers track cyber-espionage ring to China

IDG News | 2010.04.06 11:53

Researchers in the U.S. and Canada have tracked and documented a sophisticated cyber-espionage network based in China, dubbed Shadow, that targeted computers in several countries, including systems belonging to the Indian government and military.

Intel investigating sale of fake Core i7 chip

IDG News | 2010.03.08 09:16

Customer finds a fake chip and a plastic heatsink instead of the processor he purchased.

Versenyügyi vizsgálat indul a Google ellen

Üzlet | 2010.02.24 12:10

A keresőcéget versenyellenes viselkedéssel vádolják. Az Európai Bizottság három cég keresete nyomán indított vizsgálatot.

Intel confirms 'sophisticated' attacks in January

IDG News | 2010.02.24 10:24

Denies link to Google-China hacks, which used IE6 zero-day to breach networks and steal info.

Befagyasztott IT-büdzsék és létszámstop

Céginfo | 2010.01.29 12:29

Katasztrófa utáni helyreállításra, szerverbővítésre és virtualizációra költenek a cégek a Sunbelt Software és az ITIC közös felmérése szerint.

Aol begins layoffs; 1,200 to 1,400 staffers to go

IDG News | 2010.01.12 10:40

The move comes after not enough employees participated in a program to walk away voluntarily in December.

Új Intel processzorok és lapkakészletek

Tech | 2010.01.04 15:16

A bő egy évvel ezelőtt bejelentett architektúraváltást és az ez év szeptemberében útjára indított Lynnfield processzorokat követően ismét újít az Intel, és a tick-tock stratégiának megfelelő módon új processzorcsaládokat kíván bevezetni.

Intel to chip away despite legal issues

IDG News | 2009.12.31 10:47

Next year will be challenging for Intel as it fends off accusations of monopolistic behavior while trying to establish a larger presence in the mobile and graphics segments.

Broadcom to settle options backdating lawsuit for US$160.5M

IDG News | 2009.12.30 12:53

Chip designer Broadcom plans to pay US$160.5 million to settle a class action lawsuit over stock option accounting practices commonly called backdating after hundreds of companies were forced to restate earnings a few years ago due to the practice.

Top 10 tech stories of the decade

IDG News | 2009.12.28 19:39

While the computer industry in the 1990s thrived as corporations re-engineered business processes to incorporate IT, this decade has seen technology truly become part of mainstream culture and commerce via the Internet and ever-cheaper and smaller computing devices. Yes, the Internet revolution began in the '90s, but it was not until this decade that 14-year-olds raced ahead of professionals in figuring out how to tap social networks with hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of contacts. Here, in not-quite chronological order, are the top technology stories of the decade, selected by the IDG News Service for their singular impact on the industry as well as their emblematic status as examples of the trends that shaped the course of IT.

Ciena will pay $769M for Nortel's metro Ethernet business

IDG News | 2009.11.24 10:58

Ciena will pay US$769 million for the optical networking and carrier Ethernet assets of Nortel Networks' Metro Ethernet Networks business, the two companies said on Monday.

Dell's Q3 profit slides 54 percent

IDG News | 2009.11.20 10:01

Dell reported third-quarter profits on Thursday that were down 54 percent from this time last year, though the company said it was encouraged by a slight uptick in sales from the prior quarter.

EU Ombudsman faults EC's Intel antitrust ruling

IDG News | 2009.11.19 09:57

The European Ombudsman accused the European Commission on Thursday of "maladministration" during its antitrust investigation of Intel, which resulted in a hefty fine earlier this year, as well as an order to desist from its anti-competitive practices.

Nvidia escalates patent-licensing battle with Intel

IDG News | 2009.10.09 10:41

Nvidia has delayed the development of chipsets that work with Intel's microprocessors, citing "unfair business tactics" employed by Intel, the company said on Thursday.

IBM faces DOJ antitrust inquiry on mainframes

IDG News | 2009.10.09 10:40

IBM is facing an antitrust inquiry from the U.S. Department of Justice for recent actions the company has taken in the mainframe computer market, according to the trade group that filed the complaint.

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