The story takes place in an entirely magical world full of mythic and real characters giving way to the classic, but never too old fight between the forces of good and evil. Similarly to the Game of Thrones, readers are facing a brotherhood of knights fighting for their survival completing several missions as the narrative unfolds. Packed with suspicious characters, the comic series will be an absolute cliff-hanger for all advocates of the genre.
The episodes are hand-drawn from beginning to end, accurately observing objects down to the smallest detail. With unique solutions, each story handles a number of panels untypical for their length: readers will get the same amount of visual stimuli that they can get from a magazine twice as long. The comic is currently available on the internet under in six languages (Hungarian, English, German, French, Italian and Russian), but print issues can also be purchased quarterly.
About Swords
Swords is produced by the Hungarian creative team of Attila Nemeskéri, Tibor Szendrei, Gergely Dévényi and Zsolt Ruzsinszki. The comic is available both offline and online, but there are attempts made in the direction of creating iPhone and iPad versions as well. The main characters of the story are presented as limited number collectibles as well.
You may follow the artists through their facebook page at or their
twitter account under!/SwordsComicsINT.
Main YouTube channel:
The Beginning - introduction to the style of Swords and a rough outline of the story released in the first issue:
Barakkan speed painting - introduction to character design:
Making of Melak and Behemoth - introduction to character design:
Trailer for the first issue (episode one) - teaser video:
Production of hand-made collectibles - detailed video on the production of clay figures: