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Találatok száma: 5

SEC charges IBM with bribing Korean, Chinese officials

IDG News | 2011.03.19 14:55

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has charged IBM with giving hundreds of thousands of dollars in bribes to South Korean and Chinese officials starting in the late 1990s, according to court documents filed Friday.

Report: SEC investigating Mark Hurd's departure from HP

IDG News | 2010.12.21 10:57

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission has opened an information investigation into the circumstances surrounding Mark Hurd's departure from Hewlett-Packard, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday.

Trade unions ask shareholders to vote against Michael Dell

IDG News | 2010.08.04 10:04

Two labor unions have asked Dell shareholders to withhold their votes for Chairman and CEO Michael Dell to remain as a director on the company's board following a US$100 million accounting practices settlement the company made with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Dell to pay $100 million to settle SEC case

IDG News | 2010.07.23 10:41

Dell will pay US$100 million to resolve an investigation by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission into the company's past accounting and financial reporting practices, it said Thursday.

Volt Dell-alkalmazottakat perelhet a SEC

Üzlet | 2010.04.06 11:30

A Dell pénteken jelentette be, hogy egyes volt alkalmazottai polgári vagy közigazgatási eljárás elébe nézhetnek egy, az Egyesült Államok egyik pénzügyi felügyeleti szerve által indított vizsgálat kapcsán.

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