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Találatok száma: 8

Net neutrality supporters disrupt FCC meeting

IDG News | 2014.12.12 06:55

About a dozens protestors call on the agency to reclassify broadband as a regulated utility.

Flickr, OneDrive and messaging apps face disruptions in China

IDG News | 2014.07.04 11:00

China could be targeting the products to suppress mention of pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong.

Protesters call for an end to NSA mass surveillance

IDG News | 2013.10.28 09:59

About 5,000 people attend a rally in Washington to protest NSA programs.

Cook, Apple's success take center stage at annual shareholder meeting

IDG News | 2012.02.24 07:26

Despite a couple dozen protestors sporting "Make Ethical iPhones" signs, the mood at Apple's annual shareholders meeting, held Thursday morning at the company's Cupertino campus, was celebratory--both for shareholders in general and for some shareholder activists.

Foxconn workers stage protest in Chinese city

IDG News | 2012.01.11 07:16

Foxconn said the dispute was peacefully resolved at its Wuhan campus in China.

Apache resigns from Java community

IDG News | 2010.12.10 16:11

Protesting what it perceives as Oracle's undue control of Java, the Apache Software Foundation has resigned its seat from the Java SE/EE Executive Committee, the organization announced Wednesday.

Anonymous takes down Visa.com in WikiLeaks protest

IDG News | 2010.12.09 16:08

A loosely organized group of Internet hacktivists took down Visa's website Wednesday, after organizing a similar attack on MasterCard.

Vodafone protests T-Mobile's iPhone sales in Germany

IDG News | 2007.11.20 15:05

T-Mobile continued to sell Apple's iPhone in Germany on Tuesday, despite a legal challenge filed on Monday by rival Vodafone.

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