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Találatok száma: 98

Does It Make Sense for Nokia to Buy Palm?

IDG News | 2009.11.17 11:00

A rumor that Nokia might purchase Palm shot the troubled smartphone company's shares up on Friday and reignited the debate: What should happen to Palm?

Brin, Schmidt eye further Google expansion

IDG News | 2009.10.08 09:46

Despite Google's phenomenal growth, the Internet search giant does not appear to be worried about taking on too many projects, judging from comments made at a media roundtable Wednesday with company cofounder Sergey Brin and CEO Eric Schmidt.

AV tests find that reputation really does count

IDG News | 2009.09.22 10:48

New reputation-based antivirus systems are doing a better job of blocking malicious software than did their predecessors.

Apple breaks silence, responds to 'I'm a PC' ads

IDG News | 2009.04.21 15:40

A PC is no bargain when it doesn't do what you want, Apple spokesman Bill Evans told BusinessWeek journalist Arik Hesseldahl, who writes BW's Byte of the Apple column.

Kelendőek a használt XP-s gépek

Tech | 2008.12.02 12:01

Sok vállalkozás használtan vesz számítógépet, hogy elkerülje a Vistát.

Domainregisztrátort perel a Microsoft

Tech | 2008.11.28 12:31

A szoftvercégnek 23 gyanús domain szúrja a szemét, például a windoesmobile.com, a wwwhotmajl.com vagy a microsoft-games.com.

Nehezednek a vírusirtó tesztek

Céginfo | 2007.12.10 11:22

Az AV-Comparatives és a Virus Bulletin legutóbbi összehasonlító tesztjein kevés vírusirtó teljesített kitűnően. Ennek oka több esetben az volt, hogy a szoftverek téves riasztásokat produkáltak. Az ESET NOD32 mindkét megmérettetésen kiemelkedően szerepelt, így az AV-Comparatives Advanced+ minősítésén felül megszerezte 47. VB100% címét is.

Valósidejű Linux megoldások az időérzékeny alkalmazásokhoz

Céginfo | 2007.07.16 15:14

A valósidejű szoftverek támogatása mellett a Novell bejelentette a valósidejű megoldásokat szállító szektor legfontosabb szereplőivel, többek között a Concurrent Computer Corporation-nel és a Voltaire-rel kötött partnermegállapodásait az alacsony késleltetésű adatközponti megoldások támogatásához.

First look: Mozilla Thunderbird 2

IDG News | 2007.04.10 10:12

If you like Thunderbird 1.5, you'll love version 2, now available as a near-final release candidate. Like the new Firefox 2, Thunderbird 2 doesn't introduce any radical changes. But it does introduce inherently useful upgrades that will boost your productivity, particularly if your inbox overflows with e-mail.

Qualcomm says it doesn't need Nokia patents

IDG News | 2007.04.06 14:12

Qualcomm Inc. threatened to forbid Nokia Corp. from using its patents forever, the strongest blow yet in the ongoing battle between the mobile technology companies.

Desktop Java faces off against AJAX

IDG News | 2007.03.09 11:38

In a world where Web-based applications have dominated the discourse lately, does the desktop still matter?

20Mbps letöltési sebesség a UPC-től

Tech | 2007.01.30 16:09

Március elsejével kezdődően teljesen átalakítja szélessávú internet portfolióját a UPC Magyarország. Emellett megszünteti a forgalmi korlátokat is.

Vista complies with US antitrust ruling

IDG News | 2006.11.22 15:21

Microsoft Corp's Windows Vista OS doesn't pose antitrust issues so far, according to the latest status report on Microsoft's compliance with the U.S. antitrust settlement.

IBM will build new Department of Energy supercomputer

IDG News | 2006.09.07 11:12

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) chose IBM Corp. to build a new supercomputer for its Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico, IBM announced Wednesday.

Geeks for a good cause

IDG News | 2006.07.18 12:22

Does helping to create a Wi-Fi antenna from a water bottle, wire mesh and a motorcycle tire valve stem sound like a great way to spend a few months away from work? How about working on a Linux-based PC that runs off a car battery and solar power?

IBM does Notes for Linux

IDG News | 2006.07.11 10:33

IBM released a version of the Lotus Notes collaboration software that runs on the Linux operating system, part of an IBM plan to lower the barriers to enterprise adoption of desktop Linux, a company executive said.

Pirates steal NEC's identity

IDG News | 2006.04.28 13:52

NEC Corp. has been the victim of a large-scale piracy ring that sold both counterfeit NEC goods as well as NEC-branded products that the company does not even manufacture, it acknowledged on Friday.

Allchin willing to delay Windows Vista for quality

IDG News | 2006.01.27 13:48

Microsoft Corp. has finished development on Windows Vista and expects to ship the product by the end of the year, around the same time venerated Windows development leader Jim Allchin said he will retire from the company. But Allchin said Friday he is willing to put off both of those events if Windows Vista doesn't reach a standard of quality with which he is comfortable.

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