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Találatok száma: 31

Wall Street Beat: PC outlook shows tech's strength

IDG News | 2010.06.18 11:46

Though tech shares, just like company stocks in other sectors, have since April been battered by economic concerns, a strong rise in all major U.S. exchanges and indexes earlier this week shows that IT is playing an important part in helping investors stay hopeful for the rest of the year.

PC shipments to grow this year as economies recover

IDG News | 2010.06.16 10:21

The continuing economic recovery and growing interest in mobile devices will drive PC shipment growth by 19.8 percent this year compared to 2009, IDC said on Tuesday.

Google grows revenue and profit in Q4

IDG News | 2010.01.22 09:58

Google's revenue and profits grew in the fourth quarter, which ended Dec. 31, 2009, and exceeded Wall Street's expectations, capping a year in which the search company did well despite the global economic turmoil.

Microsoft earnings down over last year

IDG News | 2009.04.24 16:17

Microsoft missed analyst expectations for its third fiscal quarter, blaming the most difficult economic conditions the company has faced in its history.

Microsoft sees growing SaaS opportunity among SMBs

IDG News | 2009.03.25 15:14

2009 will be the year SMBs start adopting software as a service (SaaS) in earnest, presenting an opportunity for Microsoft and other vendors to offer services to them despite the economic recession, according to a Microsoft survey.

Economic woes may lower SaaS prices

IDG News | 2008.10.18 13:54

The ongoing global economic crisis may spark a pricing war in the SaaS (software as a service) arena, according to a major vendor in the space.

EMC revenue, profit defy economic woes

IDG News | 2008.07.24 16:07

EMC's revenue grew 18 percent in the second quarter ended June 30, a result the company attributed to massive growth in the data enterprises need to store.

Gartner forecasts slower PC shipment growth

IDG News | 2008.04.03 16:30

The economic slowdown in the U.S. has led Gartner to revise its 2008 worldwide PC shipments forecast downward slightly but the analyst firm is still predicting a strong year, particularly in the mobility space.

Gates: Tech needs more immigrant visas

IDG News | 2007.03.08 15:27

Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates called on the U.S. Congress to raise the cap on skilled-worker visas, saying the county's economic future was at stake.

Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000

Tech | 2006.10.19 12:00

Ha valaki - hozzánk hasonlóan - nem gépíróiskolában sajátította el a gyorsbillentyűzés módszerét, akkor bizony bajba kerülhet a használat során.

An elaborate chip fraud unravels in China

IDG News | 2006.05.19 10:49

Last week's firing of a prominent Chinese academic for faking the development of one of China's best-known chips is an embarrassing setback for a government that sees high-technology research and development as key to the country's economic future.

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