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Találatok száma: 55

Photoshop moves to Creative Cloud, merges Photoshop Extended

IDG News | 2013.05.07 08:58

When it comes to image editing, Adobe Photoshop is in a class by itself. Despite its humble beginnings as a plug-in to a long-defunct commercial scanner, Photoshop now stands as Adobe's flagship and most famous app, and the default standard worldwide for professional print and online image editing and graphic design.

Microsoft to release emergency Internet Explorer patch on Monday

IDG News | 2013.01.14 11:15

The patch will fix a vulnerability in Internet Explorer 6, 7 and 8

Researchers: Microsoft will pull trigger on emergency IE patch

IDG News | 2013.01.10 09:45

Uptick in attacks, bypasses of recommended workarounds will force Microsoft to fix flaw criminals already using to hijack Windows PCs.

Előre kurvák, gengszterek - megmérgezték a Google-t

Tech | 2012.07.30 16:50

Aki a fenti kifejezések valamelyikét gépeli a Google-be, meglepő eredményeket kap, a találatokat ugyanis eltérítették.

Emergency mobile phone runs on single AA battery, stows for 15 years

IDG News | 2012.06.06 07:44

A Taiwanese company has launched a bare bones handset for US$70 and plans to market it to rental car firms and mobile operators.

HP confirms merger of PC, printer units but analysts question savings

IDG News | 2012.03.22 09:16

Announcement comes before annual shareholder meeting.

3M szabadalmi sztori

Üzlet | 2011.11.29 09:46

Hogyan képes egy másfél évtizede fennálló jó kapcsolatot megmérgezni a szoftverszabadalmi rendszer? Cikkünkből kiderül.

AT&T says T-Mobile deal isn't dead yet, but sets aside $4B for break-up fee

IDG News | 2011.11.25 08:03

AT&T has withdrawn its merger application at the FCC but will still seek approval for the deal in a court case with the DOJ.

EC approves Seagate acquisition of Samsung drive business

IDG News | 2011.10.20 09:08

The European Commission concluded that a merger of the hard disk drive makers will not impede competition.

Like-csere közösségek mérgezik a Facebookot

Tech | 2011.09.05 11:21

A lájk-manipuláló csoportok célja csalással minél több nyereményjátékon győzedelmeskedni.

Kínát mérgezi az Apple

Üzlet | 2011.09.01 15:01

Egy civil szervezet a környezet szennyezésével vádolta meg az Apple kínai beszállítóit. Az almás cég megvédte magát.

Global increase in technology mergers and acquisitions

IDG News | 2011.05.16 09:37

Global technology mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals grew during the first quarter (Q1) of 2011, according to Ernst & Young's quarterly report, Global Technology M&A Update, January - March 2011.

Tech CFOs anticipate revenue increase in 2011

IDG News | 2011.02.07 15:57

Increased revenue will foster mergers and acquisitions in the technology space, according to a survey by accounting and consulting firm BDO USA that polled chief financial officers at technology firms.

iGate to acquire Indian outsourcer Patni

IDG News | 2011.01.10 11:03

U.S. mid-size outsourcer iGate is to acquire a majority stake in Patni Computer Systems, a larger Indian mid-size outsourcer, reflecting the need for smaller outsourcers to merge and become larger to compete.

Attachmate to retain Novell Unix copyrights

IDG News | 2010.11.25 10:28

Novell's copyrights for the Unix operating system will remain under Attachmate's control as part of the companies' pending merger, a Novell spokesman said Wednesday.

Bizalmatlanság mérgezi az online boltokat

Tech | 2010.10.27 09:51

Habár a hazai internetezők többsége nem zárkózik el az online vásárlástól, a kártyaszám megadása sokakat elriaszt.

Kevesebb mérget használna a Sony Ericsson

Tech | 2010.05.21 15:33

A Sony Ericsson globális technológiai márkákkal fogott össze annak érdekében, hogy az Európai Parlament 2015-től betiltsa a mérgező anyagok felhasználását a szórakoztató elektronikai termékekben.

Java's future uncertain under Oracle grip

IDG News | 2010.01.22 09:59

Would the Java community thrive as well under Oracle's control as it did under Sun Microsystems'? Vendors of Java products seem split about the question.

Microsoft promises emergency IE patch

IDG News | 2010.01.20 11:06

It's mum on when rush fix will arrive, plans to reveal delivery date on Wednesday.

Oracle-Sun merger foes head East

IDG News | 2010.01.19 10:53

MySQL separatists address Russia and China as EU assent on the deal grows likely.

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