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Találatok száma: 443

New Google Apps tools aim to bridge collaboration divide

IDG News | 2011.02.28 15:16

Google has released three new tools as part of its Google Apps suite, designed to increase collaboration in the enterprise.

Fujitsu to launch Windows 7 business tablet

IDG News | 2011.02.22 10:27

Japan's Fujitsu will soon launch a tablet PC for enterprise users that packs security features not available in most consumer machines.

Lenovo profit rises in Q3 on strong PC sales in China

IDG News | 2011.02.18 15:00

Lenovo, China's largest PC vendor, reported strong net profit growth in the third quarter as it increased market share in China and gauged brisk sales of laptops and smartphones.

A Novell megoldása is hozzájárult az IBM szuperszámítógépének diadalához

Céginfo | 2011.02.18 12:12

• Az IBM a SUSE Linux Enterprise Serveren futó DeepQA szoftvert használja a Watson szuperszámítógépén, amely legyőzte a „Jeopardy” kvízműsor korábbi bajnokait • A legújabb mérési eredmények alapján a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server a leggyorsabb operációs rendszer az IBM POWER7 rendszereken, így egyértelmű választás volt a Watson IBM DeepQA szoftverének futtatásához is • A világ legnagyobb teljesítményű szuperszámítógépeit bemutató Top 500 listából 459 gép Linux operációs rendszert használ

Dell results boosted by enterprise sales

IDG News | 2011.02.16 15:03

Dell on Tuesday reported a 177 percent year-over-year increase in net income for its fourth fiscal quarter of 2011, driven by growth in enterprise server and PC sales.

Mennyi adatot generál az emberiség?

Tech | 2011.02.14 09:00

Innen a Holdig nem lenne elég hely a sorba rakott CD-knek az összes adat tárolására.

SAP, Microsoft try again with Duet Enterprise

IDG News | 2011.02.02 10:04

SAP and Microsoft announced Tuesday what some observers see as a reboot of Duet, the strategy first formed by the companies in 2005 to tie SAP's ERP (enterprise resource planning) software with Microsoft Office.

TomorrowNow litigation drags SAP Q4 profits down

IDG News | 2011.01.26 09:35

SAP saw revenue rise 27 percent in the fourth quarter but profits dropped by more than a third due to increased provisions linked to litigation with Oracle related to its former TomorrowNow unit, the company said Wednesday.

HP CEO to reveal strategy March 14

IDG News | 2011.01.25 08:53

Hewlett-Packard has invited journalists to an event March 14 where CEO Léo Apotheker is expected to lay out his plans for the company, including anticipated greater investments in enterprise software.

IBM Q4 net income rises 9 percent

IDG News | 2011.01.19 14:37

IBM said Tuesday that net income for the fourth quarter ended Dec. 31 rose 9 percent to US$5.3 billion year over year, helped by strong performance in growth markets as well as software and mainframe sales. Revenue for the quarter was $29 billion, a 7 percent increase.

ERP investments to slow in 2011

IDG News | 2011.01.18 10:32

The number of companies planning to invest in their ERP (enterprise resource planning) systems will drop slightly this year, according to a Forrester Research report, even as IT spending overall is expected to rise.

Oracle Q2 net income rises 28 percent

IDG News | 2010.12.17 10:05

Oracle's net income for the quarter ended Nov. 30 rose 28 percent from a year earlier to US$1.9 billion, buoyed by strong software license sales and an improving hardware business, the company said Thursday. Revenue was $8.6 billion, a jump of 47 percent.

Gyorsabb ütemben a SPARC Solaris fejlesztési útitervének legfontosabb mérföldkövei felé

Céginfo | 2010.12.06 14:30

Az Oracle teljes egészében megújította a SPARC Enterprise Server termékvonalat, és bemutatta a SPARC Solarison alapuló Oracle Exalogic Elastic Cloud T3-1B rendszert

Új Epicor Google Adapter kiskereskedők számára

Céginfo | 2010.11.30 09:13

Az Epicor Software Corporation (NASDAQ: EPIC), a középvállalati szereplők és a világ 1000 legnagyobb vállalata számára kialakított üzleti szoftver megoldások vezető szolgáltatója, a mai napon bejelentette az Epicor Retail Enterprise Selling Google Adaptert, amelynek segítségével a kiskereskedők meg tudják mutatni a fogyasztók számára, hogy a Google Termékkeresőben talált termék raktáron van-e náluk valamelyik közeli üzletükben.

SAP system issue blamed for delayed San Diego audit

IDG News | 2010.11.22 09:53

Problems with its SAP system are forcing San Diego to delay a city budget audit for six months, in just the latest tale of woe for the troubled ERP (enterprise resource planning) project.

Dell's Q3 profits rise on strong enterprise demand

IDG News | 2010.11.19 10:25

Dell on Thursday reported a growth in profits and revenue for the third quarter of fiscal 2011, driven by strong demand for the company's commercial products.

Az Oracle bemutatja az Enterprise Manager 11g Ops Centert

Céginfo | 2010.11.15 16:40

Az átfogó, „alkalmazástól a fizikai tárig” terjedő megoldás új, konvergens hardverfelügyelettel bővül

„Instant-On Enterprise” koncepció a HP-tól a vállalatok és a kormányzat számára

Céginfo | 2010.11.11 15:07

Integrált megoldások az ügyfelek és az állampolgárok újszerű kiszolgálásához

VMware angles Spring as premier Java development tool

IDG News | 2010.10.22 10:48

Oracle may own the Java trademark, but VMware is touting its own Spring framework as the best programming model for enterprise Java developers.

IBM Q3 net income rises 12 percent

IDG News | 2010.10.19 09:39

IBM said Monday that third-quarter net income rose 12 percent to US$3.6 billion, buoyed by strong performance in Brazil, Russia, India and China as well as solid sales of analytics software and services.

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