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Találatok száma: 149

After Gmail, Google wants to search your voice mail too

IDG News | 2009.03.12 15:44

Google has begun testing a service that will make transcripts of voice-mail messages and make them searchable.

Taiwan DRAM bailout leads to creation of single company

IDG News | 2009.03.05 15:10

Taiwan plans to merge its indebted DRAM memory chip makers into a single company called Taiwan Memory Company (TMC) in an attempt to stem losses and prevent loan defaults that could further harm the island's banking sector.

Intel opens up the Atom processor to TSMC

IDG News | 2009.03.03 11:54

Intel on Monday announced a partnership that could provide access to the chip design of its low-cost Atom processor to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co.

Történetében először veszteséges a TSMC

Üzlet | 2009.01.28 08:34

A világ legnagyobb szerződéses félvezetőgyártója, a Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) veszteséges negyedév elé néz.

I want my MTV!

Tech | 2008.10.29 09:40

Régen az MTV-n néztük a zenei videókat - már ahol volt. Ma a YouTube-on keresünk a dalokra. És a jövőben? Újra MTV!

Via's Nano processor tops Intel's Atom in first reviews

IDG News | 2008.07.30 14:39

Performance comparisons of Via Technologies' Nano processor and Intel's Atom chip conducted by several hardware-enthusiast sites Tuesday confirmed what many industry observers have long suspected: the Taiwanese processor company has produced a chip that outperforms Intel's offering for low-cost computers.

EU security agency wants social network scrutiny

IDG News | 2008.05.27 16:46

Europe's top Internet security agency, ENISA, called Tuesday for new legislation to police social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace.

A legújabb N-nes: Linksys WRT160N

Tech | 2008.05.12 16:10

Alaposan átszabta régebbi 802.11n szabványú routerét a Linksys. Lássuk, hogyan sikerült az új modell.

Lenovo's Yang takes the high-end road

IDG News | 2008.03.25 14:08

Lenovo Group Chairman Yang Yuanqing wants to challenge perceptions of Chinese companies as mainly producers of cheap, low-end products.

A Microsoft és a Cisco a Windows Server 2008 és a Cisco WAAS integrációjával teszi hatékonyabbá a telephelyek és fiókirodák munkáját

Céginfo | 2008.03.04 13:48

A Windows szolgáltatások és a WAN-optimalizálás közös platformon való integrálása hatékonyabb IT-infrastruktúrát és nagyobb teljesítményt nyújt

Bemutatkozik a NETGEAR ProSafe Dual WAN Gigabit SSL VPN tűzfal

Céginfo | 2007.11.29 14:23

A NETGEAR Inc. bejelentette, hogy megjelenik a piacon ProSafe Dual WAN Gigabit SSL VPN tűzfal (FVS336G) elnevezésű termékével, egy sokoldalú, funkciókban gazdag tűzfallal, amely hálózati biztonságot, távoli elérést és internet hozzáférést biztosít kis- és középvállalkozások részére.

Asustek complains of Intel laptop processor shortage

IDG News | 2007.10.30 14:32

Taiwan's Asustek Computer complained on Tuesday of a shortage of Intel central processing units (CPUs) for laptop PCs, but said it didn't expect the problem to affect its sales.

New Yorkers camp out for iPhone despite summer heat

IDG News | 2007.06.28 12:03

New Yorkers have a reputation for being a hearty lot and those who want to be among the first to buy an iPhone Friday seem to be made of a particularly tough constitution. Despite temperatures that soared above 90 degrees Fahrenheit Tuesday, several were already lined up outside the Apple Store on Fifth Avenue in Manhattan.

Microsoft demands royalties for open-source software

IDG News | 2007.05.14 16:50

Microsoft Corp. reportedly wants open-source software users to pay royalties on 235 alleged patent violations.

Sun, Fujitsu team up on server development

IDG News | 2007.04.18 11:39

Sun Microsystems Inc. and Fujitsu Ltd. want corporate users to see the two companies as being joined at the hip when it comes to their jointly developed Sparc Enterprise server line. But that only applies to engineering and product development. Otherwise, the two vendors will be competing for customers.

Asustek ups the ante on laptop displays

IDG News | 2007.03.01 09:47

Users looking for the best possible display screen on a notebook PC might want to check out a new offering from Asustek Computer Inc. due out in early March.

Japan, Russia to link via undersea fiber cable

IDG News | 2007.02.28 15:45

Japan and Russia plan to link their telecommunications networks via a new undersea fiber optic cable, they said late Tuesday. The cable, which is expected to be in place by the end of this year, avoids the area south of Taiwan in which many cables suffered damage after a powerful earthquake last year.

Apple iPhone rumors multiply

IDG News | 2006.11.16 12:23

Rumors that Apple Computer Inc. plans to launch a mobile phone next year are gaining momentum, although the company's Taiwanese manufacturing partners are giving little away.

Sanyo, Taiwan's Quanta to form LCD TV venture

IDG News | 2006.08.14 12:47

Sanyo Electric Co. Ltd. and Taiwan's Quanta Computer Inc. have agreed to align elements of their respective TV businesses with the creation of a new joint venture.

Taiwan plans $3.1 billion investment for Web 2.0

IDG News | 2006.07.03 12:09

Taiwan's state-controlled telecom company plans to invest NT$100 billion (US$3.1 billion) over the next five years to upgrade its network and further develop applications and services based on Web 2.0, a spokeswoman said Monday.

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