RIM attracts 15,000 apps for BlackBerry 10 in two days
Portathon events over the weekend offered developers cash for porting apps.
Portathon events over the weekend offered developers cash for porting apps.
Cisco this week announced its intent to acquire BroadHop, a developer of network management servers and software for carriers.
Only Edubuntu and Kubuntu users get true alpha releases in this development cycle.
Cisco this week announced its intent to acquire privately held Cariden Technologies, a Sunnyvale, Calif., developer of network planning, design and traffic management software for service providers.
Cisco today announced its intent to acquire privately held Cloupia, a software company that develops products for automating data center operations for the deployment and configuration of physical and virtual resources.
Networking vendor, Brocade, is buying California-based Vyatta as part of its research and development (R&D) investments in Ethernet fabrics and software-defined networking (SDN). Vyatta is an SDN operating system vendor whose solution is relevant for multiple applications in network virtualisation, SDN, and private/public Cloud computing platforms.
In an effort to better acquaint Web developers with the open technologies that can be used to build Web applications, the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has launched a Web site with tutorials and other documentation that cover most of today's Web standards, including the emerging HTML5 set of standards. The site has also been designed to provide more user feedback to the developers of the Web standards themselves.
Users, channel partners and analysts say resuming development of Oracle software for HP Itanium servers is a good move.
A judge ruled that a contract with HP obligates Oracle to continue porting its software until Itanium is discontinued.
The new Domain Awareness System will be marketed by Microsoft to cities worldwide.
Új MacBookok, új iOS, saját térképszolgáltatás - az Apple számos újdonságot jelentett be a hétfői WWDC konferencián. Összeállításunkban azokat a termékeket és fejlesztéseket szedtük csokorba, amikre hiába vártunk.
The new version of the OS is in its final stage of development.
The former HP enterprise chief read on the Web that Oracle would stop developing for Itanium.
The Chinese PC maker has been ramping up efforts to compete in the mobile devices market.
Az első negyedben éves szinten 29 százalékkal csökkentek a bevételek; a nettó veszteség 929 millió euró volt. A finn gyártó hagyományos és okostelefon-üzletágát is átalakítaná.
Developers were introducing 148 serious flaws on an average per website in 2011, according to WhiteHat Security.
A Nokia kétmillió Lumia készüléket adott el, de ez sem tudta ellensúlyozni, hogy a feltörekvő piacokon hónapról-hónapra veszít a pozícióiból. A finn gyártó a várnál jóval kevesebb mobiltelefont és okos eszközt értékesített.
China has the ability to infiltrate supply chains and disrupt U.S. military communications.
Chinese company Proview said it started developing its own "iPAD" product in 1998.
Intel forms new group focused on phones, tablets and other mobile devices.
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