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Találatok száma: 138

Acrobat 3D Version 8 próbaverzió

Tech | 2007.03.29 17:43

Az Adobe Labs honlapján ízelítőt kaphatunk a továbbfejlesztett szoftverről és a 3D-s elemeket is tartalmazó PDF-ről.

Wiki finally legit, says OED

IDG News | 2007.03.20 16:29

Six years after Wikipedia.org debuted, editors at the Oxford English Dictionary (OED) have finally deigned to add the word "wiki" to the OED's online version.

Storm virus infects blogs and other Web postings

IDG News | 2007.02.28 15:44

A new version of the Storm e-mail virus is populating blogs and online bulletin boards with links directing people to a Web site that is propagating the worm, representing a new mode of attack for hackers seeking financial gain, according to a security vendor that became aware of the virus Monday night.

Blade Ready: újabb bővülés

Üzlet | 2007.02.27 12:44

Az American Power Conversion (APC) bejelentette, hogy két új iparági partner csatlakozott Blade Ready programjához.

Mozilla patches Firefox, but leaves some flaws unfixed

IDG News | 2007.02.26 09:39

Mozilla Corp. updated Firefox Friday to patch 14 vulnerabilities, three of them critical, but pushed out the new versions without fixing several flaws.

Longhorn Server revealed: IIS updates to know about

IDG News | 2007.02.15 08:52

One of the major bundled applications with any version of Windows on the server is Internet Information Services. And what a long road it's been since IIS 4, the first version of IIS, which came with Windows NT Server 4.0.

Adobe brings Flash video to phones

IDG News | 2007.02.13 14:08

Adobe Systems Inc.'s Flash video, the format that made Web video a hit, is coming to a version of Flash for mobile phones.

Konvertál, mint a kisangyal: beépülőalkalmazás a Sun-tól

Céginfo | 2007.02.09 15:29

A Sun Microsystems – az OpenDocument közösség alapító tagja és a nyílt forráskódú megoldások fő támogatója – bejelentette, hogy rövidesen megjelenteti a StarOffice 8 Conversion Technology Preview elnevezésű beépülőalkalmazást. Az ingyenesen letölthető beépülőmodul lehetővé teszi Microsoft Office, illetve OpenDocument Format (ODF) formátumú dokumentumok oda-vissza konverzióját a Microsoft Office 2003 programcsomagon belül.

AMD introduces Opteron chips that use less power

IDG News | 2007.02.07 10:38

AMD Wednesday announced three dual-core additions to its Opteron processor lineup that use less power than standard versions of the chip. At the same time, the company added more dual-core Opteron chips to the high end of the line.

Adobe delivers Flash Player 9 for Linux

IDG News | 2007.01.17 13:22

Adobe Systems Inc. has released Flash Player 9 for Linux, allowing users of the open-source operating system to create or use multimedia applications with the latest version of Flash.

CES : Yahoo to preview Messenger for Windows Vista

IDG News | 2007.01.08 09:31

Yahoo Inc. will give users a preview of what it will be like to use a new and improved version of Yahoo Messenger on Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Vista at the 2007 International Consumer Electronics Show this year.

Google releases customized version of IE 7

IDG News | 2006.12.16 16:06

Google Inc. has released a customized version of Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer 7 (IE 7) browser in which Google, not Windows Live Search, is the default search engine.

Photoshop CS3 beta to be available soon

IDG News | 2006.12.15 09:24

Mac users have been clamoring for a version of Photoshop that's built for Apple's Intel-based processors.

Skype releases beta for Windows Mobile smart phones

IDG News | 2006.12.13 13:54

Skype Ltd. released the beta version of Skype 2.2, a software client that allows Windows Mobile smart phones to access the company's VOIP (voice over Internet Protocol) service over Wi-Fi connections.

Microsoft offers software for building robots

IDG News | 2006.12.13 13:52

Microsoft Corp. released the commercial version of its software for robots on Wednesday, hoping to shape the market much as it did for PC software a few decades ago.

Sun goes multilingual with Java SE 6

IDG News | 2006.12.11 12:20

Over two years in the making, Sun Microsystems Inc. is due to release the latest version of its Java Platform Standard Edition (Java SE) software Monday, placing particular emphasis on the application development platform's support for other scripting languages.

Microsoft releases Exchange Server 2007

IDG News | 2006.12.10 17:05

Microsoft Corp. on Friday finished development on a new version of its Exchange messaging server a week after the company celebrated its launch alongside significant new releases of the Windows client OS and Microsoft Office.

Mozilla ships developer release of Firefox 3.0

IDG News | 2006.12.10 17:03

Mozilla Corp. has hit an early milestone on the road to the next version of its open-source browser, but the final product is still a year away, developers say.

Pirates work around Vista's activation feature

IDG News | 2006.12.08 15:32

Hackers are distributing a file that they say lets users of the corporate version of Microsoft Corp.'s Windows Vista operating system get around the software's anti-piracy mechanisms.

Dell claims new servers save on electric bill

IDG News | 2006.12.04 11:43

Computer maker Dell Inc.'s solution to the data center energy crisis is to market more energy-efficient versions of its PowerEdge line of servers.

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