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Találatok száma: 112

Amazon to pay US$500 million cash for Diapers.com owner

IDG News | 2010.11.09 11:03

Amazon.com plans to acquire Quidsi, the operator of Diapers.com and Soap.com, for US$500 million in cash to expand into baby care products and goods for everyday needs.

Hurd bizalmas információkat adhatott ki Fishernek

Üzlet | 2010.11.08 11:52

A The Wall Street Journal értesülései szerint elképzelhető, hogy a Mark Hurd, a HP volt vezérigazgatója az EDS felvásárlásával kapcsolatos, ?belsős? információkat osztott meg az őt később szexuális zaklatással megvádoló Jodie Fisherrel.

WSJ: Hurd may have tipped off Jodie Fisher to EDS buy

IDG News | 2010.11.08 10:06

Mark Hurd may have tipped off former contractor Jodie Fisher about Hewlett-Packard's pending US$13.9 billion EDS acquisition, according to a report in the Wall Street Journal Friday.

Apple needs to jump on TV opportunity, analysts say

IDG News | 2010.05.31 10:21

Apple's success in mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad could spill over into the TV segment if the company decides to make a push for devices with larger screens, analysts said on Friday.

US needs plan for online terrorism recruiting, expert says

IDG News | 2010.05.27 17:07

The U.S. government lacks a plan to counter terrorist recruiting efforts online, even though such efforts by jihad groups are growing, one terrorism expert told U.S. lawmakers.

EMC's Tucci: 'Hundreds of public clouds' on the way

IDG News | 2010.05.11 10:38

EMC chief executive Joe Tucci believes IT customers will have their choice from hundreds of viable cloud computing service, and that the cloud market will not be dominated by a small group of vendors, he said at the EMC World conference in Boston Monday.

Google speeds up Chrome browser

IDG News | 2010.05.05 10:09

Google's latest beta version of its Chrome browser packs a performance boost to the Javascript engine that the company describes as "hefty" and adds the ability to apply pre-defined browser preferences in multiple machines through users' centralized Google accounts.

Windows needs a built-in PDF viewer, argues researcher

IDG News | 2010.05.03 10:45

Microsoft should add a basic PDF viewer to Windows to help protect users from the spike in attacks exploiting bugs in Adobe's Reader, a security researcher said Friday.

IBM speeds up data analysis with new algorithm

IDG News | 2010.02.25 16:44

The algorithm could help to more quickly predict weather and financial risks.

Broadcom to settle options backdating lawsuit for US$160.5M

IDG News | 2009.12.30 12:53

Chip designer Broadcom plans to pay US$160.5 million to settle a class action lawsuit over stock option accounting practices commonly called backdating after hundreds of companies were forced to restate earnings a few years ago due to the practice.

Top 10 tech stories of the decade

IDG News | 2009.12.28 19:39

While the computer industry in the 1990s thrived as corporations re-engineered business processes to incorporate IT, this decade has seen technology truly become part of mainstream culture and commerce via the Internet and ever-cheaper and smaller computing devices. Yes, the Internet revolution began in the '90s, but it was not until this decade that 14-year-olds raced ahead of professionals in figuring out how to tap social networks with hundreds, and sometimes thousands, of contacts. Here, in not-quite chronological order, are the top technology stories of the decade, selected by the IDG News Service for their singular impact on the industry as well as their emblematic status as examples of the trends that shaped the course of IT.

Oracle sheds new light on future of Sun technologies

IDG News | 2009.10.30 11:45

Oracle has provided new details about its plans for certain key Sun Microsystems technologies, including the GlassFish application server and the NetBeans application development toolkit.

HP tries to find business use for touchscreen PCs

IDG News | 2009.10.13 12:35

Hewlett-Packard sees businesses in the future adopting touchscreens, but the technology needs further development to be an alternative to keyboards and mice in corporate environments, a company executive said.

ZTE shows LTE modems

IDG News | 2009.10.05 09:23

Chinese vendor ZTE is showing off two LTE (Long Term Evolution) modems, which on paper will support mobile broadband speeds of up to 100 Mbps, at ITU Telecom World in Geneva.

Express Scripts: 700,000 notified after extortion

IDG News | 2009.10.01 09:41

Nearly one year after being hacked by computer extortionists, pharmacy benefits management company Express Scripts now says hundreds of thousands of members may have had their information breached because of the incident.

Fellendülést vár a HP

Üzlet | 2009.09.25 12:26

A Hewlett-Packard szerint a jövő évben ismét fellendül az IT-költés, ennek ellenére a 2010-es üzleti előrejelzése elmarad a tőzsdei elemzők várakozásaitól. A HP megszünteti az EDS márkanevet, és más üzletágait is átalakítja.

Canon és a HP közösen forgalmaznak multifunkciós irodai nyomtatókat

Tech | 2009.09.14 11:31

Hardvert a Canon, nyomtatási és munkafolyamat kezelési tapasztalatot a HP ad az üzletbe

Meredeken csökkent a HP nyeresége

Tech | 2009.08.19 13:15

A Hewlett-Packard kedden tette közzé harmadik negyedéves gyorsjelentését, amely szerint a tavalyi évhez képest 19 százalékkal csökkent a profit. Alig egy évvel az EDS felvásárlását követően a HP már szabadulna az BPO-üzletágtól - értesült a Reuters.

Internethajó tizedszer

Tech | 2009.04.02 11:05

Immár tizedik alkalommal indul útjára a Dunán az Internethajó. Az idei téma gerincét a Nemzeti Digitális Közmű adja.

Az XAPT a legeredményesebb Business Solution partner

Céginfo | 2009.03.02 09:54

Hetedszer lett a legeredményesebb Microsoft Dynamics AX és másodszor a legeredményesebb NAV partner az XAPT Magyarországon.

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