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Találatok száma: 54

Focus on smartphone, tablet screen sizes at show

IDG News | 2011.08.29 11:44

At next week's Internationale Funkaustellung (IFA) in Berlin, smartphone makers are expected to push the boundaries of the device's screen sizes, while also launching tablets and trying to accelerate the momentum for 3D-capable products.

15 éves a Hotmail

Tech | 2011.07.08 10:59

Az elmúlt másfél évtized számos megújulása és fejlesztése után idén további funkciókkal bővül a Microsoft levelezőrendszere.

No iPad 3 coming in 2011 - reports

IDG News | 2011.04.12 15:36

Apple will not launch the iPad 3 in 2011, though it is working on a next-generation iPad that will have a better screen resolution than the iPad 2.

Color comes to E Ink, LG electronic-paper displays

IDG News | 2010.11.10 10:04

The first commercial electronic paper displays that can show color were unveiled Wednesday at the Flat Panel Display International show in Japan. The screens open the way for electronic book readers like Amazon's Kindle and Sony's Reader to add color, but so far only a single Chinese device maker has committed to the technology.

Allen sues Google, Apple, others over patents

IDG News | 2010.08.30 07:59

A firm owned by Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen has filed a lawsuit against Google, Apple, Facebook, and other companies alleging that they have violated patents related to search, multimedia, screen pop-ups and database management.

4 Easy Answers to iPhone 4 Problems

IDG News | 2010.06.28 09:02

So what if some iPhones lose reception when the hand covers the antenna? That's your problem, not Apple's. "Non issue," Apple chief executive Steve Jobs told a MacRumors forumgoer via e-mail. "Just avoid holding it in that way." Fair enough, but what about iPhone 4's other reported issues, including screen discoloration, reversed volume buttons, stubborn cameras and scratched glass? If Apple's going to pin the antenna problem on users, why stop there? Here's how the company should handle all those other pesky complaints:

Megoldották! Flash reklámok iPad-en

Tech | 2010.06.03 13:37

A Smokescreen nevű JavaScript könyvtár az iPad-hoz hasonló eszközökön is megjeleníthetővé teszi a Flash alapú hirdetéseket, így kiküszöbölhetővé válnak az Apple-Adobe ?háborúból? adódó kompatibilitási problémák.

Apple needs to jump on TV opportunity, analysts say

IDG News | 2010.05.31 10:21

Apple's success in mobile devices like the iPhone and iPad could spill over into the TV segment if the company decides to make a push for devices with larger screens, analysts said on Friday.

Dell looks at larger screens for handheld devices

IDG News | 2010.05.26 13:21

Dell on Tuesday announced it would ship its first handheld device, called Streak, in June, but it is also looking to develop devices with larger screen sizes as it tries to establish a foothold in the competitive mobile market.

A legújabb fogyasztói trendek a VI. MobilKonferencián

Tech | 2010.04.20 16:39

A VI. MobilKonferencián a tradíció és a kultúra összefog a technológiával: a Screen Evolúciónevű esemény reprezentatív helyszínen, a Szépművészeti Múzeumban kap otthont 2010. május 6-án. A rendezvényen a digitális kommunikáció lehetőségét vizsgálják az előadók.

LG Display develops thinnest-yet LCD TV panel

IDG News | 2009.12.21 10:09

LG Display has developed a prototype LCD panel for television sets that's less than a quarter the thickness of the company's current production panels. The new screen could enable TV set makers to produce even thinner flat-panel sets but there are no current plans for mass production.

Taiwanese researchers show several flexible e-reader screens

IDG News | 2009.11.27 11:45

Taiwan's Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) showed off a number of flexible display screen technologies in Taipei on Thursday as part of a show promoting e-readers and e-paper.

EU charges Philips, others with forming CRT screen cartel

IDG News | 2009.11.27 11:44

The European Commission has accused manufacturers of cathode-ray tubes of running cartels in the markets for computer monitors and TVs, the regulator said Thursday.

Android moving into Mio MiBuddy navigation device

IDG News | 2009.10.27 09:49

Mio Technology will launch a new version of its MiBuddy 4.7-inch touchscreen Internet and navigation device next year running Google's Android mobile software, a company representative said Tuesday

HP tries to find business use for touchscreen PCs

IDG News | 2009.10.13 12:35

Hewlett-Packard sees businesses in the future adopting touchscreens, but the technology needs further development to be an alternative to keyboards and mice in corporate environments, a company executive said.

Takarékos Samsung multifunkciósok az IFA-n

Tech | 2009.09.08 09:47

Kisvállalkozásoknak szánt nyomtatók takarékos webnyomtatással és fax-to-PC szolgáltatással.

Videó: új folyadékelemző szkennerek

Tech | 2009.08.24 13:16

Ha egy palackba zárt folyadék tartalmára vagyunk kíváncsiak, többé nem kell kibontani, hogy pontosan megtudjuk, milyen az összetétele. Egy új fejlesztésű eszköz segítségével egyszerűsödhet a repülőterek biztonsági szolgálatainak munkája is.

Sharp to increase LCD panel production on higher demand

IDG News | 2009.07.10 15:26

The economy might still be in a fragile condition but it seems consumers can't get enough of flat-panel televisions. Sharp plans to increase production of LCD panels by tens of thousands of screens per month after seeing increased demand from TV makers, it said Thursday.

Microsoft sets specs for netbook-only Windows 7

IDG News | 2009.05.26 13:01

Microsoft will limit sales of some editions of Windows 7 to systems with screens no larger than 10.2 inches running a low-powered single-core processor running no faster than 2GHz, TechARP.com said last week.

Megújult a TechNet portál

Tech | 2009.01.15 13:02

A megújult oldalon 700 cikk, két teljes tankönyv és 60 órányi screencast található.

0 mp. múlva automatikusan bezár Tovább az oldalra »

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